Andrew is not the first Veteran to have lived in our cabin on the hill.
My great-uncle, who built our cabin, was a POW for 3 years in the Korean War.
For 20 years he flew an American flag along with a POW/MIA flag proudly on top of our hill.
It was extremely important to my Veteran to have a flag flying, once again, on our hill.
So, on a sunny February day our family headed outside to return our country's flag to our hill.
Buddy Bee and Daddy working on prepping the flag pole for our flag.
Buddy Bee sorting tools for Daddy.
My sweet little boy loves helping Daddy.
Buddy Bee taste testing some dirt.
Helping Daddy only lasted a short while until our Bee was off and running.
Buddy Bee travels took him to our pine tree at the top of our property.
It was a beautiful day.
Daddy needed his little helper back so the Bee was brought back to be Daddy's assistant.
Daddy attaching the new connectors.
Buddy Bee eating mulch...sometimes little helpers are more work than they are help!
The prep work was complete and we were ready to fly our flag but then Buddy Bee found the puddle...
...and apparently mud tastes good and is really fun to sit in!
Buddy Bee was happy playing in the mud and we didn't want Buddy Bee's muddy prints on the flag so Andrew did the honors.
Our flag up and flying and look at that amazing sky!
Old Glory flying on the hill once again!
Wonderful, Stacey! As it should be at every home in America!