Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Dear, Sweet Husband!

I am such a lucky girl to have such a great husband as Andrew!
I came home to a wonderful surprise!

A beautiful bouquet of flowers!

The Sunflower made me smile!

This beautiful surprise was so sweet and just what I needed after a hard week with the Buddy Bee.
It was such a thoughtful act from my dear, sweet husband!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Wall Trouble...

We had to return to wallpaper removal sometime and I could not put it off any longer. 
 Buddy Bee's room was next. If it was as easy as the Master I would not be dreading it like I was.

Buddy Bee's wallpaper.

Instead of coming off in sheets like the Master this wallpaper came off in tiny little strips.

After hours spent scrapping with a putty knife and tons of wallpaper removal we had a clean white wall ready for paint.

Meanwhile we had the kitchen repainted.  I could not take the original color any longer.

Here is the original blue color:  

And here is what I finally settled on:

A darker, richer blue.

Good thing I love this new color because I was told my paint color picking privileges would be revoked if I didn't.

We were nervous to go this dark but I am so happy with the final result.
After the kitchen was painted we were off to the Master.

The first coat was finished when we realized that we had some damage from the wallpaper which needed to be addressed.
Good news though....I LOVE this color!

The busy little bee taking time to snuggle with Clifford.

Buddy Bee loves Clifford's big floppy ears.

Buddy Bee playing with something he shouldn't be.

We are almost ready to move in! 
 We can see the end of our pre-move in renovations nearing and we are exceited!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Harford Fair 2011

Buddy Bee's trip to the 154th Harford Fair!

When you live in Susquehanna County, PA you must visit the Harford Fair.
 Andrew and I grew up going to the fair, have both worked at the fair,
 and could not wait to take our little man.
It was time for Buddy Bee to experience his first Harford Fair!

All ready to head into the fair.

After walking the fair a bit it was time to get some fair food!

We packed Buddy Bee's dinner but he did get to try Daddy's vanilla milk shake, sweet potatoe fries, and part of Mommy's pastrami and corned beef sandwich.

Daddy and the Buddy Bee after dinner.

Buddy Bee sharing his veggie stick. 

After dinner we headed over to see all the animals. 

Buddy Bee and the baby goat.

The baby goat was standing in his food bin.

Buddy Bee and the very friendly sheep.

 The sheep wanted Buddy Bee to share his food.

Buddy Bee loved the sheep.

Notice Buddy Bee's blue balloon. There is a pattern forming with this child. 
He picked that up after his diaper change at the Pro Life Booth.

Curious about this new sheep.

Checking out the sleeping pigs.

They smelt Buddy Bee's food and woke up real quick.

Mommy and the Buddy Bee.
Almost ready to head back home.

Family Picture at the Harford Fair.

We had a great time at the fair this year! It was an amazing experince to take our son, for the first time, to a place that holds so many memories for us.  It was a little over whelming for Buddy Bee but he loved all the animals.  We are looking forward to our annual visit next year.

Can You Say, TROUBLE?

Buddy Bee is cute, full of smiles, and lots of trouble!
But as a 1 year old that is his job!

Someone forgot to close the bathroom door...

Buddy Bee having tons of fun shreading toilet paper and eating it.

Buddy Bee had an accomplice during this operation.  Abby the Cat helped!
It is because of Abby that we can't leave toilet paper on the holder anyways.

Watching Mommy clean up the mess.
Buddy Bee found some new places to hide this week.

Buddy Bee in the empty kitchen cabinet.

Coming out the other side with the stainer he found in the back.

Buddy Bee yelling at Mommy to watch.

Buddy Bee thinking he is stuck in the cabinet.

Being silly.

Happy to explore his new hiding place.

Full of smiles.

He may be trouble but he is sure adorable doing it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Buddy Bee's First Trip To The Dentist

On August 24th Buddy Bee experienced his first trip to the dentist!

 I am so proud of my little Bee and his 7 little teeth!
The dental office made Buddy Bee's first trip such a positive experience for the little Bee. 
And there really is nothing better to the Buddy Bee than getting a new tooth brush and a balloon!

Buddy Bee in the waiting room.

Watching some TV.

Having fun in the playhouse while we wait.

Buddy Bee hears his name being called.

Playing in the dentist chair.

Jumping up and down!

Buddy Bee getting sleeping waiting for the dentist.

Buddy Bee got to hold the giant tooth brush!

Brushing his teeth!

Using the giant tooth brush to brush his hair and face.

Of course the dentist had concerns with Buddy Bee's thumb sucking and also his nighttime feeding but overall our little Buddy Bee's little teeth are looking GREAT!