Saturday, December 17, 2011

Up the Chimney!

We moved into our cabin in September to two empty oil tanks, put 150 gallons in which only filled them 1/4 full, and by November they were almost empty.  We knew we needed an alternate source of heat and fast! 
So, in the beginning of November we started our chimney project.

 Buddy Bee eating breakfast and watching the bobcat dig the hole for the chimney.

We needed to dig down beside the foundation wall so we could then drill and chisel a hole for the chimney.

 The new chimney will run right next to the current chimneys which are for the oil furnace and living room fireplace.

 Andrew was very thankful he did not have to dig this out by hand.

 The hole is actually a bit deeper than it looks.

Our chimney project took a few weeks and in the meantime we ordered 4 loads of stone...which only covered a third of our driveway. We will have to order more soon.

 The driver was great and spread out most of the stone down the drive.
We won't go into how he got hung-up on a tree and almost tipped the truck over...

My dad then came through with the tractor smoothing and spreading out the deep sections.

Back to the chimney project.

My dad helped us out by spending days drilling out small holes in the concrete so that Andrew and him could knock out the inside chunk of concrete.

This was a very hard task and very time consuming.

We have light but still a ways to go!

Then Andrew brought this beauty home! 
A fabulous concrete saw!

 The saw worked great and saved a lot of time. 
The guys were then able to pound out the chunk of concrete. 
My dad working from the outside while Andrew was working on the inside.

 We had concrete dust everywhere!

 Buddy Bee watching the guys work.

And helping the only way he can...picking up rocks.

Buddy Bee inspecting the rocks.

Buddy Bee playing with his new trucks.

Once we had a hole through the concrete the chimney assembly was fast and easy.

 Still a few pieces needed for the chimney to be complete.

 We went with a stainless steel chimney.  It was more expensive but less time to assemble than a masonry chimney would have been.  Plus, this beauty has a lifetime warranty and I like how shiny she is.

 All ready for use.

 Our poor stove has been through a lot and she does not look the best but she works!
The stove was given to us and all we needed to do was order new grates and a blower.
Next summer we will sand her down and paint her so she looks more presentable.

Our first fire.
I am so excited because now I will finally be warm!

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