Wednesday, September 14, 2011

14 Month Celebration

 How does a Buddy Bee celebrate turning 14 months old?
We will just have to let the Buddy Bee show you. 

Buddy Bee  playing in the kitchen cabinets....

....and then getting himself stuck.

Buddy Bee in his tunnel of empty boxes.

Andrew and I took the Buddy Bee out for an after dinner celebration to the Lenox Dairy Bar!
Buddy Bee LOVES his ice cream.

Daddy and the Buddy Bee all ready to order our ice cream. 
Very jealous that Buddy Bee got to wear his pj's.

Buddy Bee enjoying his vanilla ice cream.

Mommy and the Bee.
Buddy Bee was ready for bed.

Before Buddy Bee headed into bed we had to stop and say good night to our friendly little toad.

Buddy Bee was not that interested in our toad friend.
Being the little boy that he is, I am sure that will change, and he will soon be bringing Mommy some toad friends. 

We also enjoyed showing the Buddy Bee the red colored moon.

The Buddy Bee had a good nights rest and was all ready to go the following day.
It was a beautiful day so we headed outside to play.

It did not take long for the Buddy Bee to find the piles of cut grass.

And what little boy could resist throwing the grass up in the air?

He loved having grass in his hair and started to pile it on himself.

Our little Buddy Bee does not stay still for long and was soon off to discover more things.

There he goes, running up the hill!

Buddy Bee does not like the feel of grass on his knees and has learned that he can go much faster if he uses his hands and feet!

Perhaps the Buddy Bee is just copying our friendly neighborhood bear we saw at the bottom of our hill the other night.

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