We are buying a house that has been empty for a year and 11.5 acres that have been minimally maintained for the last 5 so the first project before the big move was to tackle the yard!
Phase 1: Hay the grass and buy a lawn mover!
The grass has been hayed and Andrew now has a large mover to handle 11.5 acres (we won't be mowing all of that).
Juniper was planted along the stone wall but now is all drying and overgrown with weeds.
The Before:
Another reason why the Juniper must go...it was pulling apart the stone wall.
The first bush is out!
This was not the easiest task I gave my father and husband but after 3 days they conquered the juniper! The bushes were very large and very brittle so it made ripping them out difficult plus they had strict instructions not to harm the stone wall.
The Buddy Bee loved watching the tractor!
Eating dinner on the lawn and watching Daddy on the tractor.
The After:
It already looks so much better. Just imagine beautiful flowers lining the wall.
The large juniper pile.
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