Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Fall Walk Into The Woods

A favorite activity of ours is to take a family walk into the woods. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to travel into the wood on a beautiful fall day. 

Our travels started through my favorite point of our property. 

 A gorgeous view as we are heading to the woods.

These two melt me to pieces.

He had to do it himself!

 I smile and think of my late Grandfather every time I see this crate.

I get left behind a lot when these two are exploring!  Someone has to take the pictures, right?

I believe someone had a blast on our little walk.

When we came out of the woods we took a detour down to the pond. 

He didn't want to go back home....

Our drive covered in a layer of fall leaves.

The tears stopped and a trip to the rock box made his world perfect again. 

Our giant pine is an overwhelming presence on our property. 

It was a perfect fall day for a walk!

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