Monday, September 10, 2012


The fall season has hit our home when a large truck dumps several tons of coal in our yard. 

This is what 6 tons of coal looks like. 

The pile does not look that big until you throw Buddy Bee into it. 

The coal pile is always a favorite with the Bee.

Since Andrew will be gone this winter we needed to revise our coal system.  This winter this 6 ton of coal will reside in our basement. 

My boys working hard.

The main objective for the day was to move the coal from the yard, to this shoot, and down to the new coal bin (room).

Our new coal shoot in the garage. 

Buddy Bee helping Mommy with the first wheel barrel of coal. 

At the end of our morning we looked like this....covered in black soot. 

We didn't get all 6 tons done that day but Buddy Bee and I will be warm for a long time.

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