Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Celebration With Meemaw

This Easter I hosted my first Easter dinner for my family. 
  On Friday April 6th our cabin on the hill filled up with family and good food.  It was a great opportunity to spend time together and for Buddy Bee and cousin Ava to get their Easter baskets from Meeemaw. 

Buddy Bee showing off his new sunglasses from Meemaw. 

Ava checking out Buddy Bee's Easter bucket while the Bee tried to open his new James train.

BUBBLES, a Buddy Bee favorite. 
It amazes me how the Bee knows what containers are Bubbles and which ones aren't.

We couldn't get James away from the Bee to even open it. 

Buddy Bee sending James down to Ava while Uncle Jord sports the Bee's new sunglasses. 

Buddy Bee loves his new pull back train! 
I even went and picked up Percy and Thomas for him so now he has the whole collection of pull back Thomas trains. 

I love the little cousins together!

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