Monday, September 17, 2012

Water Balloons

When Buddy Bee grows up I want him to fondly remember his childhood.  There are many aspects of his little 2 year life that I try and keep structured, but some days we go crazy and throw out that structure!  Some days just call for water balloons right after breakfast  while wearing pajamas!  I hope he remembers this because we had the best time.   

Buddy Bee showing Mommy that HE could fill the balloon all by himself.  

He tried so hard but I know he has to try things himself to learn.  

He is all about independence.  

He gave it a great effort but he needed a little assistance from Mommy. 

But that water balloon was so worth the wait and effort!  

The smile on his face gave me such joy and watching him live that joy created a huge smile on my face.  

Little boy, little boy I love how your mind are all boy and I am having the best time watching you grow up!

I am sure I will miss the smelling face when it's gone but right now I find it rather odd.  

Buddy Bee doing his part to fill up his water balloons.  Don't tell him the work was already completed for him.  

He did not waste any time on the best part!  I have to admit water balloons are really fun to throw!

This child's mother would really love to know what his mind was contemplating next.  

This Mama made this little boy's day!

It's the little things.  He melts my heart.

Results of the Bee's fun!

I pulled the boy in for lunch but after nap time we were back out in the yard with the water balloons.  

Bringing up a little boy is going to keep me on my toes, but I would not trade him for anything.  

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