Saturday, September 1, 2012

Making Buddy Bee Playdoh

Buddy Bee is just starting to enjoy Playdoh.....okay, okay I am just now starting to let him play with it.  He actually has taken to eating it mostly.  Since, I am that lady who makes everything from laundry soap to every household cleaner I figured I should take up making the Bee some chemical free playdoh. 

Our ingredients, all ready to create some Buddy Bee safe playdoh. 

Buddy Bee was all ready and willing.

Buddy Bee loves helping Mommy in the kitchen. 

Buddy Bee stirring the ingredients before we started cooking. 

Buddy Bee was given other tasks to help once I started cooking.  With him happily cleaning and cooking else where I started heating all the ingredients. 

Flour, oil, salt, and cream of tartar is all you need. 

Add a little color and stir until smooth.

Keep stirring until the mixture starts to clump.

It was now time to remove from the heat and kneed until smooth.

At the end of the day I had 4 colors and lots of playdoh fun for the Buddy Bee.

Buddy Bee loves his new playdoh.  My carpet however, is very angry at the red playdoh.  It's all my fault for leaving the Buddy Bee unattended. 

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