Thursday, September 13, 2012

Buddy Bee is 26 Months

The Buddy Bee is now a 26 month old Bee. 
September 13, 2012

Official 26 month photo.  

Running, running, running......just watching him makes me need a nap.

The Buddy Bee's silly walk.   

Running around the yard naked makes Buddy Bees very happy.  

I can't even being to explain what he is doing here.  I am not really sure I fully understand.  

Buddy Bee's world at a whole new angle.  

It was getting a bit windy for the Bee to be hanging out naked.  

He wasn't too cold enough to request a ride in the swing.

It is these little moments with this boy that make me cherish him.  He is truly full of joy.

Watching the sky for birds and planes.  

Buddy Bee is growing up so fast.  This month was very sentimental for me.  Buddy Bee and I made a very important and monumental change in our mother and son relationship this month.  After 2 years and 2 months I am no longer a nursing mother.  This change does make me sad in a small way.  The nursing bond Buddy Bee and I had was special to me and I will truly miss it.  We made this change because of Andrew's deployment. In my heart I was not ready but I was going to need my husband's support to get through weaning our boy.  After a week of Mommy leaving the house before bedtime and nap-time, and Daddy and the boy sharing some special moments to them, we were close to weaning this boy.  The following week, the Bee and I were on our own to discover this new relationship.  Buddy Bee would ask for "milk" but was content when I would tell him it was all gone.  I expected the worse but Buddy Bee seemed fine with this new arrangement. He is growing up and no longer needed his Mommy in that way. 

 Buddy Bee, I am thankful for being able to nurse you for as long as we did.  I am so thankful for the special bond that nursing created for us.  I am thankful for you.  And thank you for making this transition easier for Mommy.  I love you, Buddy Bee.  

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