Thursday, September 6, 2012

Finger Paints With The Bee.

It's always a great day when the Bee is allowed to get messy. 

One would think finger paints outside would be a good idea.  Let me tell you, it's really not. 

Buddy Bee loves to paint and he truly makes beautiful creations. 

The key to great materpieces is to move your hands really fast. 

It did not take him long to figure out that he can put his whole hand in the paint. 

His red little lips are not real...someone decided to taste the paint.

My darling boy can never resist painting himself. 

The little artist at work.

And then he started on his next materpiece.....himself. 

My little boy what would I do without you. 

Everything went well until he finished painting. That child did not want Mommy to clean him up.  I might have ended up with paint all over my patio furniture and deck.  I ended up throwing him into the very cold pool and hosing him off.

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