Monday, September 17, 2012

Adventures In Philly: Adventure Aquarium

At Buddy Bee's 2 year doctor appointment his pediatrician found something concerning. His doctor thought he found signs of a hernia.  Buddy Bee was then sent for an ultrasound.  Thankfully it was with a dear friend who our Bee is comfortable with.  Buddy Bee did great considering he is 2 and someone was poking around his belly. It was several days before we heard the results but Andrew and I couldn't help but run the possibilities through our heads....our boy could be facing another surgery.  When the pediatrician's office called we were told there was signs of a hydrocele (which was a small hole between his stomach and his scrotum that passes fluid between the two areas).  We were assured that in most cases surgery is not needed for younger children because the hydrocele often times repair themselves.  However, we would still need to be referred to a pediatric urologist.  Due to the timing of appointments and Andrew's very close deployment we were sent to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.  We fully expected the urologist to do nothing and decided if we had to be in Philly at 8:00 in the morning we might as well make it 2 days and do something fun.  And since we are all about doing firsts with Daddy before he leaves, we headed to the Aquarium.  

I am so thankful that we have had so many special adventures with Andrew this past year.  We all will need these memories to get through this next year. 

Andrew and his boy watching the fish.  

Buddy Bee was in awe of the big fish.  

He did not want to leave this fish tank.

Thanks to Daddy, Buddy Bee got a better view. 

Buddy Bee and Bob the girl sea turtle.

We loved the turtle.

Buddy Bee and Daddy waiting their turn to touch a fish. 

Not close enough to the Bee to reach but Andrew could. 

Buddy Bee was so excited until he actually touched it....then he cried. 

Checking out the seals. 

I love these boys together. 

Trying to see the penguins.  

Buddy Bee was not impressed with the black and white "ducks".

He is getting so good at stairs. 

Buddy Bee having a ball playing the drum. 

This child was not going to cooperate for a picture.  

Buddy Bee thought this was the best.

It gave him an excuse to yell. 

By this time in our trip, Buddy Bee was over all the fish.  
Fish are no longer impressive after an hour, at least to a 2 year old.

The coolest round tank of jellyfish. 

Andrew and the Bee heading to the sharks. 

Buddy Bee watching the sharks overhead.  

Buddy Bee was so tired and needed a nap but as we left he started crying to go back to see the fish.  He loved it.  

It was raining but we let the Buddy Bee check out the view of Philly. 

Look, Look, Look!

View of Philadelphia.

I am so glad that we pre-ordered our tickets and got their early because as we left there was a huge line of people waiting out in the rain.  

We had a great time but someone was really ready for a nap....

Yes, someone needed a nap. 
We were then off to Ft. Dix where we would stay the night for the Buddy Bee's appointment in the morning. 

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