Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday 2012

Hear the bells ringing; it's Easter morning and we have a reason to celebrate!

Here at the Park household however, our morning was not quite celebration material.  Our poor little Buddy Bee was feeling awful and he wasn't the biggest fan of his Easter outfit, a special gift from his Nana Park.   Though, I don't think it was really the outfit itself  that was upsetting him, more the fact that we were making him wear actual clothes. 

Buddy Bee demonstrating what a feverish and a teething little boy looks like. 

I never would have purchased Buddy Bee's sailor suit because I know Andrew would never let me get away with it but Nana's are special cases!
Thanks Nana because every little boy needs to wear a sailor suit once in their life!

Mommy and her little sailor.

I knew Buddy Bee would not stay clean long so, we planned family pictures before we headed off for church.  And it's a good thing we did because the saoilor suit did not even make it through church....though it was not because our Bee made a mess but because the suit turned out to be too hot with the little boy's fever. 

The Park family Easter 2012

Mommy and Daddy kisses for the Buddy Bee.

Our very handsome little boy.

Oh, the pouty face....

Even as his mother I could not help but laugh at this little face.

Just before we headed to church Buddy Bee brought the remote over to me and requested to watch "GO"  (translation: Curious George).

Mommy trying to explain to my little boy why he couldn't watch George.
These new teeth were creating a very hard life for our little Bee.
3 weeks after a low grade fever and a miserable little boy, Buddy Bee had 3 new teeth. 

I must mention that I found my Easter dress on clearance for $12! 

Our little family was soon off to our Easter morning church service where Buddy Bee cried through most of it and ended up naked half way through.  We were soon heading over to Andrew's parents for Easter dinner and thankfully our poor little Bee had a quick nap on the drive over. 

Buddy Bee had to wear the sailor suit once more for Nana but he graciously agreed. 

Buddy Bee and his cousins, Katie and Cassy.

Buddy Bee making himself comfy between the girls. 

It was soon time for Easter dinner so once again Buddy Bee's dreams came true and we let him eat naked. 

Our Easter may not have turned out how we thought it should but the meaning was still the same.

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