Monday, April 30, 2012

Cloud Watching

I never know what I will find my boys doing when I leave them to their own devices but on this day where I found them brought a smile to this mother's face. 

 I found my boys cloud watching!

Buddy Bee was so excited to show Mommy his new discovery.

Buddy Bee enjoying the sunshine and what appears to be the remnants of some dirt.

Buddy Bee telling us what each cloud was.

Even with his wild hair and dirt covered face he is still a cute little Bee.


He couldn't keep his eyes off the moving clouds.

If we only knew what was going through his mind to make this face at his mother....he is such a ham!

Our little Buddy Bee needed some assistance from Daddy with his shoes.

Kisses for Daddy.

I love my boys together!  I love the little moments they share, the excitement when Daddy is home, the joy in "helping"daddy, and the way they interact as father and son.  I love my boys together!

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