
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gingerbread House

On a snowy evening in December, Buddy Bee was invited over to Nana and Papa's to make gingerbread houses with his 2 cousins.  How could we not be excited to make Buddy Bee's first gingerbread house.  

Buddy Bee claimed his gingerbread kit and he was ready to build. 

With a little help from Mommy we soon had a standing structure. 

While our icing was hardening, Buddy Bee gladly helped decorate the Christmas tree. 

Buddy Bee's house was soon ready for decorations and my little boy could not resist sampling the candy. 

One piece of candy for his house and two for Buddy Bee. 

And a little icing to wash all the candy down.

Buddy Bee had a grand time creating his little house made out of candy. I should say he mostly just enjoyed sampling all the candy.   Before his little belly was filled completely with candy we were heading home for bed.  The whole way home I was hoping our gingerbread house would survive the bumpy ride home.   Buddy Bee was so proud as he helped Mommy carry his creation inside to display on our dinning room table. 

My favorite part are the Buddy Bee finger marks from sampling the icing. 

I am pretty sure Buddy Bee had dreams of gum drops and candy that night. 

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