
Friday, December 14, 2012

Cinnamon Ornaments For Christmas

Buddy Bee and I were on a mission to make our house smell amazing.  We accomplished this with homemade cinnamon ornaments.  With Buddy Bee's help they would be the perfect little gift for all our friends and family. 

All of our ingredients set out.  

Buddy Bee helped me pick our cutters of all his favorite things. 

Buddy Bee was so excited to be helping Mommy in the kitchen. 

But first, a few kisses from Daddy.  

While the Bee was busy snacking on chocolates, I started mixing all of our ingredients   

Not much to look at but our house was already full of the smell from Christmas spices. 

In the few minutes it took me to measure and mix everything Buddy Bee had plowed through several kisses.  
Mommy moved the kisses from Daddy's kiss bowl after that. 

Full of chocolate and ready to help!

Buddy Bee was so proud to help Mommy roll out our ornaments. 

Mommy had to intervene and get our Buddy Bee back on task. 

While Mommy moved the cut out ornaments to a cookie sheet, Buddy Bee kept on practicing.

Our first batch all ready for the oven. 

We certainly had a Christmas feel around the cabin this morning. 

Buddy Bee wanted Mommy to bring in some snow for him.
 He is such a silly kid.

Out of the oven and cooling. With the addition of some string they will be all ready for gifting.  

It was the perfect Christmas activity for Buddy Bee on this snowy morning.  

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