
Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

Our tradition of celebrating Christmas with our Park family continued this Christmas Eve.  After a fabulous Buddy Bee nap we got all dressed up in our Christmas best. But before we could head down to Nana and Papa's there had to be some Buddy Bee and Mommy Christmas Eve pictures.  

My littlest love and I all ready for our Christmas celebration. 

This little boy of mine just looked so handsome in his suit. 

And what a perfect mood  he was in for pictures for his Mommy!

After so many wonderful smiles for his Mama the little Buddy Bee was worn out. 

After our pictures, we were off to Nana and Papa's for Christmas Eve dinner. 

Buddy Bee helped himself to salad and cheese while dinner was still cooking. 

Even with a mouth full of broccoli he is still a cute little Buddy Bee.  

After dinner it was time to open presents.  Buddy Bee however, was only interested in showing off his skills using the grabber. 

Buddy Bee got a lot of great and thoughtful gifts and before we knew it it was soon Buddy Bee's bedtime.  

Nana graciously helped Buddy Bee with his tie so he could put on his new Christmas pajamas. 

Hugs and kisses along with many Merry Christmas' were given and my little Buddy Bee and I were heading back home. 

Our Christmas Eve pajama family photo... minus Daddy. 

Buddy Bee had 2 more presents to open before bed. 

First, his Christmas ornament.

He was so happy when he saw that his ornament was none other than Curious George! 

I think Mommy and Daddy picked a good one this year. 
Our Buddy Bee was in love! 

He had to hang it on the tree before he opened his last present. 

A perfect ornament for our George loving little Buddy Bee. 

Buddy Bee's second gift was a Christmas nativity book to read before bed. 

Stories read, kisses given, and our little Buddy Bee was off to sleep.  
Mommy was then onto Christmas elf duty!

I piled presents under the tree and then realized I had a Christmas train to assemble around the tree. 

Just Curious George hanging out in our Christmas tree. 

With Buddy Bee's two special stockings (Left made by Andrew's mom, Nana, and Right made by my grandmother, Oma) full of Christmas goodies, Mommy was off to assemble a Christmas train. 

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