
Monday, January 14, 2013

Mama's 29th Birthday

I love my little boy to pieces but this Mama needs a weekend away.  Buddy Bee and I packed up our things and prepared for a weekend away….not with each other!  Buddy Bee couldn’t wait for his weekend with Nana and Papa and I savored the peaceful drive to Lock Haven.  I would be spending my birthday with the 3 most special girlfriends I could ever ask for.  

My 29th birthday was full of surprises and special touches from both my husband and my college friends.  I am a very blessed woman.  Flowers were delivered from my amazing husband, ceramics with my girls, dinner out, a movie, and lots of yummy food all created a wonderful day. 

Andrew did a wonderful job picking these flowers. 

The four of us enjoying our time painting ceramics.

I chose a fish for Buddy Bee's bathroom. Doesn't look like much yet but wait till it goes into the kiln. 

Just my fish and I. We were all so proud of our creations.  

Before we headed to dinner Sara had to stop at her sign on campus!  

Birthday dinner with friends!

Birthday Cake for the birthday girl!

It was hard to leave my girlfriends and my college home after a great weekend, but I had a little boy to get home to.  It is always hard to leave these girls knowing it will be months before we see each other again.  Some days I miss those college days when we lived at the end of the hall, up on the 5th floor of North Hall. I am so thankful for the friendships I made in college.  These girls were a blessing to me then but as I lean on them now I fully realize how much I cherish each one of them.  

Buddy Bee loved the balloons that came home with Mommy. 

Look at those sick little eyes. 

Buddy Bee even got a few more Christmas presents.  

My beautiful flowers from the most amazing husband. 

 I was truly spoiled from across the world and by the 3 best friends a girl could ask for.  A birthday that I was dreading without my husband turned out to be an amazing one. 
 Here is to the last year of my twenties! 

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