
Sunday, January 13, 2013

A 30 Month Buddy Bee

January 13, 2013
Buddy Bee turns 30 months old. 

Official 30th month photo.

Buddy was NOT interested in Mommy taking his picture.  

Buddy Bee, I love how pink you get when you cry. 

Buddy Bee is starting to really dislike our little monthly photo's.....I think year 3 will be the end of our little sessions. 

Later in the day he was in a much better mood for pictures. 

My handsome little boy, You are growing up so fast.   You have been so sick the last few months.  I hate that I can't do anything for you to make you feel better.  We can't keep going to the doctors every 2 weeks. We are searching for answers little Bee.  We are tired and we miss Daddy so much.  You really don't understand why Daddy is gone and where he is, but you seem to be content to talk to him and play with him everyday on skype.  Before we know it, Daddy will be back home with us and we will be complete again.  You are loving school. Daddy was right in knowing we would both need school days.  Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Buddy Bee.  

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