
Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas With Grampy

A few days after Christmas, we were once again celebrating with my family.  Today was our Christmas with Grampy!

Ava opening her new kitchen.

It was soon Buddy Bee's turn!

Buddy Bee now has is very own workbench and tools just like his Daddy and Grampy.

The first thing he wanted was that drill.

More Tools!

Buddy Bee styling with his new tool belt. 

It did not take Buddy Bee long to find something that needed fixing.

Buddy Bee opening his new wagon from cousin Ava. 

They each had to try the wagon out.

Grampy always asks us to pick him up a special cereal when we go to Walmart.  We might have gotten him a few months supply for Christmas! 

He just needed some Buddy Bee help in opening it. 

Buddy Bee spent the day fixing everything in sight.

Grampy had one more thing for each of his kids and their families.  He made us all mini marshmallow shooters! 

Buddy Bee trying out Daddy's marshmallow shooter.

After my siblings had a giant marshmallow fight they all headed back to their homes.  I was finding marshmallow's for days after!  We had a wonderful day. 

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