
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day with Meemaw

We said goodbye to Daddy on skype and I pulled Buddy Bee away from his new toys so we could go visit Uncle Greg and Aunt Alicia's house for our Christmas with Meemaw. 

Now that Buddy Bee realized he was allowed to open presents under the tree, he was not wasting any time on opening gifts from Meemaw. 

Buddy Bee's very own Buzz Lightyear!

Greyson opening his plane and teether from Buddy Bee. 

Buzz got a ride down cousin Ava's new slide.

More Trucks!

Buddy Bee and Ava playing with trucks.

Now it was Ava's turn to open up her doll buggy and new doll from Buddy Bee. 

Little girls and their dollies are so cute!

Ava wanted to help Buddy Bee down the slide by holding his hand.

We had a wonderful time with family but we were soon heading back home for nap time.

After Buddy Bee's nap we spent the evening playing with toys and watching movies. 

Trying to work the remote by using his tongue. 

Along with his new trucks and Buzz Lightyear, Buddy Bee got Toy Story 2 from Meemaw.

Buddy Bee is a blessed little boy to receive all these wonderful toys. 
Our Christmas celebrations are not even over yet....

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