
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Russell Farms 2012

Buddy Bee's favorite fruit is apples.  He loves them.  If I am down to 1 bag of apples in the fridge I start to panic about running out.  This kid can eat 3 a day.  Between cheese and apples this boy is in love.  He gets his love of apples from his Daddy and his love for cheese from his Mama.  So, when Nana and Papa invited us to Russell Farms we jumped at the chance.  

Buddy Bee styling in his cool shades.  

We couldn't forget blankie....we NEVER can forget blankie. 

Here we are at the apple farm! 

Buddy Bee could have cared less about the apples or pumpkins, his true love was this Buddy Bee size tractor.  

Driving, driving, driving.....this kid love his vehicles.  

Buddy Bee decided he needed a pumpkin to drive the tractor.  

I just adore his cute, little, squishy face!

He could have stayed here all day.  

I will never understand the draw little boys have to machinery. 

We finally pried him away from the tractor to pick out a pumpkin.  

He thought the objective was to carry as many pumpkins to papa and the wagon as he could.  

Buddy Bee thinking about his next pumpkin.

Once the Bee was satisfied with his pumpkin selections he was off to discover new things. 

Buddy Bee's choice was driving trucks up the slide.  This kid cracks me up.  He LOVES his trucks!

The next best thing to driving trucks is digging in dirt!  

Have you noticed a theme yet?  Buddy Bee can spot anything with wheels a mile a away.  

Having a grand time at the apple farm...minus actually picking apples. 

Can you see, the reason why Buddy Bee needed a hernia surgery at 2 years old. 

No limits to this child's abilities.  


Please, please Buddy Bee!  Just walk around to the other side for some photos!

My little love being as cute as he can be.

Our Buddy Bee is full of such joy!

Our Buddy Bee taking a ride on the Russell Farms bus.  

Our trip would not be complete without checking out the antique tractors. 

Buddy Bee was in love!

Before we headed home Buddy Bee even sat still long enough to get his face painted. 

I think it looks good on him even with snot running down his face. 

I love his eyes when he is lost in thought. 

Andrew and I are so blessed to have the privilege to love this little boy. 

We are going to be in trouble with this child....those blue eyes are going to bring lots of trouble.  

Our time at the apple farm was done and Buddy Bee was all ready to head home with his apple. 

Buddy Bee had a great time!  We can't wait to bring Daddy along next year.  

Buddy Bee and I are enjoying these fall days.  

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