
Monday, October 15, 2012

Rubber Ducky and the Buddy Bee

Buddy Bee loves his bath time.  He has become our little fish. 
 His extreme silliness presents itself during bath time which is just hilarious .  

Buddy Bee's bubble beard.  

Buddy Bee's bubble masterpiece.

This kid is hilarious!

Not only do these eyes melt my heart but they remind me so much of his very special father.  

The look I always get when I tell him his hair must be washed.  

After Buddy Bee was once again clothed, (he might have taken a few laps around the house naked before Mommy caught him) we cuddled on the couch with celery, blankie, and an episode of Curious George before heading to bed.  

I love his cheesy, little smile.  

Until the next bath time adventure....

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