
Monday, October 1, 2012

Hernia Surgery

On September 19th, Buddy Bee and I loaded up the car and headed to our next little adventure.  This adventure lead us to Philadelphia for the Bee’s 2nd surgery.  Buddy Bee was a trooper for the 3 hour car ride and Mommy surprised him with a swim in the hotel pool. We ended the day watching Curious George.  

I hate that this little boy has to go through another surgery.  

Hoping that this little boy does not squirt that mouth full of water out!

Watching George is a very serious business in this family.  

Oh, this little boy and his wild little self.  

I look into these eyes and I see his father's spirit in them. 

Sucking his thumb ranks right up there with watching George, but his blankie and the special fringe are the most important. 

Buddy Bee had a good nights sleep and we woke up early the next morning.  We had to be at the surgical center at 7:30.  Today our boy was having a hydrocele and hernia repair done.  He had no idea why we were here, he had no idea what was going to happen, and there was nothing I could do to explain to him.  That is the hardest in raising a 2 year old.....the desire for knowledge and understanding but not quite developed enough to understand.  

We couldn't leave the hotel without some Curious George. 
I love his early morning face.  

Our day was filled with all unknowns for the boy so we had a little surprise for him.  
The look on his little face was priceless when Daddy walked into the room.

Buddy Bee and Daddy waiting in the pre-op room.  

Last little snuggles with my Buddy Bee. 

Buddy Bee's surgery lasted 30 minutes.   It was amazing to see my husband again but both of our hearts were focused on our Bee.  The surgery went perfectly.  They were able to close the hydrocele and also repair the hernia.  Within a few hours we were saying goodbye to Andrew and the Bee and I were heading back home.  I fully imagined that the child would sleep all the way home but that little stinker was awake the whole trip.  

And he was still really out of it. 

The little trooper even walked himself inside the house.  

He was quite wobbly. 

2nd surgery was done and we could not be more thankful for this little face.  

 Buddy Bee’s Recovery from surgery has begun. Since his surgery he has been very aware of when he needs to go to the bathroom.  He even told me he needed to go twice yesterday. The pain meds seem to make him hyper.  If you know our boy you know he needs no help being wild. Mommy’s mission: KEEP THE BEE STILL SO HE CAN HEAL!

Watching George upside down with blankie and some stickers   

I really don't think this is an approved post hernia surgery position.  

The results of pain medication wearing off.  

How do you explain to these handsome eyes what is going on and why he feels horrible.  

The 3rd day of recovery Buddy Bee’s pain was the highest.  Diapers are uncomfortable for him (due to where his incision is on his waist) so he started wearing his new potty training pants.  He shows me his incision and tells me, “it hurts”.  One minute he his running around the house and the next he is in my arms crying.  

Even with the pain he was beginning to act like his active little self. 

Not an approved post surgery activity, little boy.  

The pain medication has officially kicked in because we had a silly little boy.

Defiantly not an approved activity. 

We are so thankful for the return of this little smile. 

I am so thankful that Andrew was able to be there to support the Bee and I.   My mother's heart  is even more thankful for this little boy and the protection over him.  Having your child in surgery makes you feel helpless and I am so thankful that I have a God who is watching over my boy when I can't.

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