
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Buddy Bee's Trip To The Bloomsburg Fair

Buddy Bee was only a few days post hernia surgery so, my priority (definitely not the child's priority) was taking it easy.  I knew that if we stayed home or even went to church that this boy would be running around like a wild man.  The effects of his wild self would then be greatly felt when the pain medication started wearing off.  The best solution for an over active child was a 2 hour trip in the car to the Bloomsburg Fair.  It couldn't be a better combo.  We took Grampy along for the ride and  a special uncle would be meeting us at the fair.  Buddy Bee was going to have a great day with 2 very special men in his life.  

Pain meds working and Buddy Bee was feeling great. 

Just some Buddy Bee entertainment with an ice scrapper.  

Buddy Bee was a great traveller and we were soon heading into the fair. 

Just hanging out with Grampy while, watching the lions. 
Buddy Bee was not impressed with the large cats.   

He was however, very impressed with the cows.  

Buddy Bee never holds my hand like that.  I am so jealous. 

Cows are very funny animals.  

Buddy Bee couldn't stop saying, "Look! Cow! Moo! LOOK! COW! MOO!". 
Yes, he got louder every time he said it.  Very Buddy Bee and very adorable. 

I am really surprised and impressed that he didn't just walk right up to one of the cows.  
I guess he was not feeling that brave today.  

Grampy always kneels down to talk to the Buddy Bee and it was very heart warming to see the Bee doing it to.  


Buddy Bee was very taken with this particular set of cows.  

The 3 lovely ladies of Buddy Bee's attention and infatuation.  

We pried the Buddy Bee from the cows and headed over to see the goats. 

Petting a goat with Grampy and Uncle Jordan. 

Grampy was replaced when Uncle Jordan arrived.  

Buddy Bee just needed a little extra help in seeing some of the goats.   

The Buddy Bee is always a fan of sheep or "Baas" as he calls them.  

When Buddy Bee gets excited he puts his hands out in front of him and laughs so hard. 
 I want to remember this when my little boy has outgrown his little 2 year old mannerisms   

Buddy Bee thinks Uncle Jordan is hysterical.  

Not an approved post-surgery activity. But I let it go so Buddy Bee could see the horses.  

And how could I deny him this happiness for a few minutes.  

Don't judge...deployments change all your preconceived notions and ideas.  
Besides have you meet my child?  

His monkey backpack was only cool for a few minutes until Buddy Bee figured out he couldn't just run all over.  

After exploring more of the fair in his stroller and eating lunch, Buddy Bee was ready for a treat.  

His first snow cone!

Buddy Bee is really big in sharing his food with adults.  It was very important to the Bee that Grampy share in his grape snow cone. 

Some for Grampy.

Some for Buddy Bee. 

Some more for Grampy.

It was soon time to head back home but it was a wonderful few hours for the Buddy Bee. 

Big smiles after our trip to Buddy Bee's first Bloomsburg Fair.  

We had a great day with our family. It was a perfect post-surgery adventure for the Buddy Bee.  I even got to spend a few moments with a college friend and her husband.  This trip even prompted an improptu girls weekend at my alma mater the following weekend.  

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