
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Discovery Center

While Andrew was on pass we wanted to take a family adventure. I had a big fall adventure planned, but plans do not always play out like we want.  My fall adventures with Daddy and the Bee were halted due to rain.  We made the best of it and took the boy to the Discovery Center.  

This would be Mommy's and Buddy Bee's first trip to the Discovery Center.  

Buddy Bee and Daddy ready to have lots of fun.  

Our first stop was to check out some sea life. 

Buddy Bee is all about hands on activities and he loved this pool of imitation sea creatures.  

We could have stayed in this room the whole time.  Buddy Bee might need an aquarium. 

Buddy Bee just showing some love for the turtles.  

We were soon off to discover new things with Daddy while Mommy followed right behind.  

Exploring the tunnels with Daddy.  

Ramps made for running, perfect for our little boy.  

Next, we were off to explore each theme room. Buddy Bee was not so sure about going into an ambulance again.  

Just needed a little help from his Daddy. 

Next on the Buddy Bee whirlwind of stops was the plane.  

Andrew took a brief moment to explain that planes like these keep him and his soldiers safe.  

Buddy Bee almost missed the bird cage but he was fascinated when he did see it. 

Maybe one day, Buddy Bee. 

Besides the tunnels and ramps this fire truck was Buddy Bee's favorite.  

If Buddy Bee could express his true feelings about this fire truck I am sure it would be, "This is SO COOL!". 

I am pretty sure Daddy and Mommy help fulfill an unspoken life long dream of driving a fire truck.  

Buddy Bee sporting his new haircut.

Who cares about the play store when there are hallways to run down; apparently not the Buddy Bee. 

The Discovery Center was all decorated for Halloween. 

Buddy Bee living the 2 year old dream of touching big boy musical instruments.  

Buddy Bee has the most amazing Daddy.  Andrew went through the tunnels and ramps about 20 times with the Buddy Bee. Not every guy would do that and I am appreciate him every day. 

Just a quick stop between running the ramp. 

It was Mommy's turn to do some exploring with the Bee. 

Here he comes!

With Mommy not too far behind.  

Buddy Bee soon found himself back with the fishes.  

"Feesh, Feesh, Feesh!"

Andrew made sure he read all of the educational information to us.  He is just that type of guy. I hope that our Bee gets the same curiosity for history as his Daddy has.  

Couldn't resist the water.  

Absolutely NO reptiles, Buddy Bee.  I don't care what Daddy says.  NO!

My son would be the one screaming for the bunny.  

The rain had let up while we were exploring inside so, we had the opportunity to explore the Secret Garden outside. 

According to Buddy Bee we should have a giant, floral bull at home.  

The Secret Garden with Daddy.  I will truly miss those two together. I have said it before but they just get each other. They get being boys.  

I am so glad the rain stopped.  The Secret Garden was such a neat place and beautifully landscaped for fall. 

Deciding if he wanted to go up the ladder....

He did.

Just needed a little help from Daddy to get back down. 

I can't express how much I loved the metal tree.  

Buddy Bee can not resist getting himself stuck.

Another life long dream of the Buddy Bee's is to ride/drive on all the tractors in the world.  
We will be riding tractors for a long time.  

Buddy Bee happy as a clam driving the tractor.  

Such a neat metal tree...can't get over it.

Buddy Bee was not impressed with the Alice in Wonderland items. 

Daddy trying to catch the Buddy Bee. 

I am so glad it stopped raining so we could experience this.  Buddy Bee was having more fun outside then he did inside.  Our boy will always be an outside boy. 

He looks so tiny on this slide. 

Sharing the spider web with another little girl. 

Walking with his Daddy to the play cabin. 

Buddy Bee might just need his own little cabin in the backyard. I wonder if I could talk Grampy into building it for just might be possible. 

Not accommodating Mommy's can't win them all with the Buddy Bee. 

We tried.

One more chance to drive the tractor before we headed home. 

What fun we had!  It so nice to spend a day as a complete family.  This day was especially meaningful to me since it was something special for the Buddy Bee.  Looking back at the photos he says he remembers it.  I hope he really does remember this special day with daddy.  

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