
Monday, October 8, 2012

Buddy Bee's 5th Haircut

While Andrew was home on pass we decided to take our little boy to the barber.   A mother can only take her child being called a "girl" for so long.  I admit his hair was a bit long, but COME ON!   

For the Bee's 5th haircut we went back to Barber Jim who gave the boy his first haircut.  

One of the biggest and cutest reasons for our return.  Our Buddy Bee loves Buddy the dog.

Exactly the way we thought the Bee would react.  

We returned because of the dog, the shops proximity to watch large trucks on main street, and Jim's wonderful way with the Bee.  

The Bee was still not thrilled with the idea.  

I love was so "traumatic" for the boy.

What we had found with hair stylists is that once the Bee starts crying they stop cutting.  Not with Jim.  He continues cutting and is not afraid to hold that little head of hair still. 

Buddy Bee had realized that his crying was not going to change the fact that his hair needed cut, so he sat nicely for the last half.  

Half way through he was starting to look like a little boy again.  
Of course I did not get a finished photo.  

Look at what my wonderful husband surprised me with! 

We are enjoying having Andrew being home for a few days!

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