
Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years 2012

On New Years Eve we settled into our little cabin to enjoy time with our little family. 
We snuggled with our little Bee, played with him on the floor, gave him a ton of kisses,
and finally put our sleepy boy to bed at his normal bedtime.
And after our boy serenaded us over the baby monitor one last time, before sleep finally claimed him,
Andrew and I got all dressed up to celebrate the coming New Year.

New Years Eve picture of Andrew and I.

Andrew and I enjoyed our New Year's celebration of snuggling on the couch watching television.  
 We stayed up to watch the ball drop, received the first 2012 kisses, and then headed to bed because our Buddy Bee would be up early in the morning. 

Our New Year's celebration continued the next morning once Buddy Bee woke up!

Buddy Bee and his first 2012 banana or "anna" as Buddy Bee calls them for the moment.

We absolutely adore that smile.

New Year's picture with my little Buddy Bee.

Buddy Bee insists on carrying around his own "anna" around but does not really understand that once he finishes the banana he can't eat the peel.

Daddy needed to intervene.

Buddy Bee has the same thing every morning for breakfast
but this morning Mommy made something special.

Welcome to Buddy Bee's New Years breakfast.

Happy New Year from the Buddy Bee.

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