
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Mama

Another year has gone by and I am, yet again, one year older.
I am getting closer to the big 30 but not quite there, yet!
The fact that I am a mother to an 18 month old is harder to grasp than my current age.

After a very enjoyable day with my little boy it was time for this birthday girl to have a date with my man.
But while we waited for Andrew to get home from work Buddy Bee and I took some birthday pictures.

Buddy Bee and his Birthday Mama.

I was very excited for my birthday dinner date with Andrew. 
Nana came to watch our little Bee while Andrew took me to Cooper's Seafood House.
 I even got to wear my favorite polka dot dress. 

An after dinner picture before we headed to Target to get
our little Buddy Bee his favorite food... bananas!

We had a wonderful night, but my birthday celebration did not end there!
 I got to spent a fabulous weekend with 2 of my best friends from college back at our alma mater.
This was the first time I left my little Buddy Bee overnight so I was a bit nervous.
I was looking forward to a girls weekend but I think Buddy Bee and Daddy
were more excited for a boys weekend!

I was so suprised that my ladies had a very special birthday surprise all planned for me.

Birthday cupcakes!

The ladies of Girls Weekend;
Amanda, Amanda, and myself.

We had a great weekend and I was very thankful to have that time with my girls but I was ready to return home to my 2 boys!

Buddy Bee survived the weekend without Mommy,
Daddy survived the weekend with Buddy Bee,
and Mommy felt very grateful for all the love shown to me for my birthday!

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