
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve

Andrew's family has a Christmas tradition that they open their Christmas presents
 and celebrate their Christmas on Christmas Eve.  So, it has become our family's tradition to celebrate our Christmas with them on Christmas Eve. 

After a long afternoon nap Buddy Bee was ready to go to Nana and Papa's for our Christmas celebration.

Buddy Bee packing up the camera with Mommy.

Christmas kisses from the Bee.

Buddy Bee all dressed up for Christmas Eve.

Hugs for Pooh Bear.

After Daddy finished packing up the car we were off to Nana and Papa Park's
for Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas with Andrew's family.

An excited little boy to be celebrating Christmas with Nana and Papa.

Enjoying Christmas Eve dinner.

Buddy Bee and his little laugh.

Buddy Bee licking his food off of his tray.


After dinner we headed into the living room for presents, but before we started
 Andrew and Buddy Bee started a new game.

Daddy using the empty wrapping paper tube as a trumpet.

Buddy Bee taking his turn on the trumpet.

A pile of Christmas presents.

The Buddy Bee and his new stuffed lion friend.

Buddy Bee and his first gift, a workbench from Nana and Papa.

We had to pry Buddy Bee from his workbench to open a few more presents.

Even though he had a whole pile of presents to open, the only thing he wanted to play with was his new workbench.

Mommy and her little Bee.

Hugs for his lion friend.

Aunt Melissa using Buddy Bee as a wrapping paper squisher.

For the Buddy Bee is was the best game of the night!

After presents we enjoyed Christmas desserts while Buddy Bee enjoyed a popsicle.

Popsicle Slow Melt Mighty Mini's are the neatest popsicles!
They were the perfect size for our little Bee and truly were slow melting.  
Perfect for our teething little Bee.

Buddy Bee and his first popsicle.

We would find out later that Buddy Bee enjoyed the popsicles so much because he had a new tooth coming through.

Trying a different flavor popsicle.

The Park family Christmas Eve 2011

After our Christmas celebration with Andrew's family we headed back home to put our little Bee to bed.
But first we had to open one more Christmas Eve present...our Christmas pajamas!

Our family of three in our Christmas pajama's.

We gave a ton of kisses to our little boy and put him to bed.

Buddy Bee's Christmas gifts from Andrew's family all settled in under our tree.

Once Buddy Bee was settled into bed we brought out all our presents for Christmas day.

Buddy Bee's Christmas presents all wrapped in Elmo paper.

Our stockings all filled with Christmas goodies.

After the last gift was wrapped and put under our tree Andrew and I headed to bed. 
Christmas morning we would open our stockings and then head to church to worship and celebrate the birth of Christ.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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