
Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning came and we let our little Buddy Bee sleep in until it was time to get ready to celebrate Christ's birth at church.  But before we left for church we took a few moments to open our Christmas stockings.

Buddy Bee talking on Mommy's cell phone.

Buddy Bee and his Christmas stocking.

Buddy Bee's request for Mommy's help opening his first stocking gift.

A very special stocking gift....yogurt covered raisins!

Buddy Bee enjoying his Christmas raisins.

Buddy Bee would have been happy with a stocking full of yogurt raisins.

"I like my raisins, Mommy!"

Buddy Bee's "lets open this one plea"!

It was almost time to leave for church but Mommy and Daddy had one gift we wanted our little Bee to open before we left.

Buddy Bee got a Doodle Pad to take to church!

A very excited Buddy Bee.

Daddy showing our Bee how to use his new doodle pad.

Our Buddy Bee creating his first masterpiece.

Creations of the Bee.

We headed off to church with Buddy Bee and his new doodle pad, and had a wonderful Christmas morning service.

Christmas Morning 2011

After the service we let Buddy Bee do one of his favorite things...climb the stairs to the choir loft.

Kisses from Miss Julia, who Buddy Bee adores!

Doing a Buddy Bee dance.

It was soon time to bundle up our little family and head back home to continue our Christmas celebration.
Buddy Bee had some presents to unwrap before nap time!

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