
Monday, October 10, 2011

Peek-A-Boo Fall

It was a beautiful fall day on October 10th and there is no better sight than diapers drying on the line and a smiling Buddy Bee enjoying the fresh fall air.

A beautiful fall day.

A handsome Buddy Bee and a gorgeous view!

Buddy Bee playing Peek-A-Boo!

Buddy Bee wondering if Mommy will notice he has a stick in his mouth.

She did and someone was caught!

Our yard and trees are filled with these beautiful bird houses made by my Great Uncle. 

Mommy and the Bee.

Buddy Bee watching the leaves blow in the wind.

Buddy Bee telling Mommy he was done taking pictures...Mommy had other plans though.

Mommy, Buddy Bee, and his stick.

Buddy Bee roar!

Happiness for a little boy!

A handsome Buddy Bee and his Daddy's blue eyes.

Buddy Bee directing the song he was singing with his stick.

Playing in the leaves.

A smile that melts my heart.

Watching Ollie the Cat. 
Buddy Bee ended up stuck and needed Mommy's help to get out.

A mischievous look from the Bee.

We had such a great afternoon spending time under our tree.  Buddy Bee had a smile on his face the whole time and just loved every minute.  So very thankful for the beautiful day we were given.

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