
Thursday, October 13, 2011

A 15 Month Old Bee.

 October 13, 2011
15 Months Old

Weight: 19.11 lbs.
Length: 30 inches
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 inches

Official 15 Month Photo

Here are some outtakes from our little 15 month photo session.

Buddy Bee and his blue, blue eyes.

Someone would not sit still so Mommy put him on a bucket.
Buddy Bee was not so sure about sitting on the bucket.

Buddy Bee and a little photo session meltdown.

My little pouty face.

 There were tears until he picked a flower.

Then this face when he tried to eat the flower.

Buddy Bee's favorite new word, ooh.

Then some more tears.
Mommy made the mistake of having our photo session too close to nap time.

More tears from the Bee. How he held his hands was so precious.

 Buddy Bee showing his disgust for, "just a few more pictures".

This was the Bee's, "get me off of this bucket, Mom" scream!

Our Bee is 15 Months old!

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