We almost needed a boat to make it to Allentown the weekend Tropical Storm Lee hit NEPA.
A wonderful friend from college was getting married on the 10th and I couldn't miss her wedding even if our town was flooded. It was supposed to be a family weekend but due to Andrew's responsibilities with the guard, Buddy Bee and I were off on a weekend adventure alone.
Friday, September 9th, Buddy Bee and I began our road trip with a stop in Scranton to get Mommy a dress for the wedding. I was really not finding anything I loved at JCPenny's but before we left we stopped to look at their clearance rack. There it was. A beautiful blue dress marked down from $105 to $41. The only problem it was a size 2. I have not been a size 2 since high school and even then I think it was pushing it. I have lost the baby weight since having the Buddy Bee and may have lost some additiontional weight but never did I think this dress would fit. I had to try it on; it was a really good deal! I was in utter surprise after trying it on; it fit AND it looked good. I, Stacey, was wearing a size 2! At that point I probably would have paid the $105 just because it fit! I had found my dress. Buddy Bee helped Mommy pick out some new earrings and we were off to pay for our purchases. I was still in shock that this dress fit when the clerk rang it up and the total for the dress came to $20. The clerk and I both did a double take. I just scored a $105 dress for $20. YAY!
Buddy Bee and I continued on our road trip. Buddy Bee took his afternoon nap in the car and woke up about the time we arrived in Allentown. We had just enough time to get settled into our hotel room before the rehearsal.
My grown up little Bee.
Buddy Bee trying to fit behind the couch.
Playing with his toys.
Buddy Bee reading Mommy a book.
Now, time to watch some TV.
Before we left for the rehearsal Buddy Bee had to make sure he looked good in the mirror.
Another nap in the car for the Buddy Bee as we drove to the church for the rehearsal.
Buddy Bee loved seeing the Bride, Sara! He has not seen her since he was a month old but I lost my child to her forever. Buddy Bee loves you, Sara!
I loved seeing my friends from college again but boy keeping a 1 year old still is very hard when you are alone. The success of this weekend I owe to one man, my friends husband. Buddy Bee made a new best friend.
After the rehearsal dinner we headed back to the hotel to check out the ballroom for the reception. Buddy Bee loved crawling around the empty dance floor and tired himself out really fast.
Mommy and Buddy Bee.
Buddy Bee is all ready for bed in his new pj's.
Buddy Bee wanting his blanket to snuggle with.
The next morning Buddy Bee and I woke up, ordered room service, and got ready for the wedding.
As I was dressing the Buddy Bee I realized the 12 month pants I got for the Buddy Bee were way too big. Swimming in the hotel pool would have to wait. Buddy Bee needed new pants.
We did get a few pictures before we headed out.
All ready to go.
After stopping at Target and getting Buddy Bee a pair of shorts we stopped at Chick-fil-A for lunch.
(It was way too hot for pants, plus I got a pair of khaki shorts for the Bee on clearance for $2.25.)
My cheesy little Bee.
Buddy Bee enjoyed his first experience at a Chick-fil-A very much.
After lunch it was time to head over to the church for the wedding.
My friend, Sara looked absolutely beautiful.
She asked me to read a few verses from Romans during the ceremony and I was very honored to do so.

Sara and Jeremy

The happy couple.

2 of my college friends.

Mommy and the Bee.
It was a beautiful stone church.
Buddy Bee took a picture of himself!
Buddy Bee and his new best friend blowing bubbles!
I absolutely love this photo!
After the wedding it was back to the hotel for the reception. Buddy Bee took advantage of the time and took a nap in the car.
Buddy Bee at the reception. He was hungry!
Buddy Bee watching the wedding party come in.

1st dance.
Buddy Bee spent most of his time during the reception crawling up and down the hallway outside the ballroom. I can't even count the number of times he went up and down. After dinner Buddy Bee had had enough so we headed back up to our room.
Mommy may have gotten a few more Buddy Bee and Mommy pictures before bedtime.
Mommy kisses for the Bee.
We had a fabulous weekend but we were both exhausted and ready to head back home.
Congratulations Sara and Jeremy!
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