Day 342: Buddy Bee and I spent the day at the Harford Fair!
Day 341: We spent the day with family.

Day 340: Buddy Bee has a new best friend in his cousin from Minnesota. It broke my heart when Buddy Bee mistook Andrew's brother, Dave as his Daddy.
Day 339: Buddy Bee and I survived a trip to Sam's Club and Wal-Mart. At least now we can feed Andrew when he comes home!
Day 338: Mommy tore apart the house while Buddy Bee was at school today.

Day 337: The idea of spending one more week without Andrew is a little overwhelming right now.

Day 336: I am ecstatic for so many families that get to hug their soldier today, but my heart wishes that among them was my soldier.

Day 335: Buddy Bee asked today if his Daddy was coming home soon....this is the first time he has acknowledged his desire to have his Daddy home.
Day 334: My soldier has returned to US soil!
Day 333: Sprinkler fun for the Buddy Bee while Mommy was busy cleaning out the car.
Day 332: A dream came true for our Buddy Bee tonight.
Day 331: 4 hours and with a little bit of help the trailer was empty and my flower beds looked great.
Day 330: Here’s to another 6 months of a healthy little boy….Buddy Bee had another great ENT follow up appointment.
Day 329: Buddy Bee had every single vehicle out for a wash today.
It's the Buddy Bee Car Wash!
Day 328: Buddy Bee is a funny little kid. His world revolves around trucks….he talks to them, he takes them to bed with him, he tucks them in at night, he will only wear Curious George and truck shirts, and he knows if one of the million trucks that he has is missing.
Day 326: Seeing Andrew’s face on skpye first thing in the morning is always a welcomed sight. I haven’t truly seen those blue eyes in 251 days.
Day 325: The deal was this...Mommy potty trains the Buddy Bee and Daddy transitions Buddy Bee to his big boy bed. Well, the Buddy Bee is potty trained and someone just came strolling out of his room during nap time. Time for you to come home, Andrew James because Buddy Bee has now figured out how to climb out of his crib (he even showed me how he did it).....It's your turn!
Day 324: We are missing Andrew.
Day 323: Buddy Bee and I spent the day playing outside.
Day 322: Buddy Bee is an official 3 year old Preschooler!
Day 321: A trip to the doctors, a very infected finger for Mommy, a 7 day antibiotic, finger paints for the Buddy Bee, and some time out in the garden made up our day.
Day 320: Apparently Mommy is having an reaction to this bee sting. Two days later I still have a very sore, extremely swollen, hot to touch, and numb finger. To the doctors we go in the morning.
Day 319: I had a great evening out with friends while Buddy Bee was hanging out with his Meemaw. Lately, we are cherishing the moments apart.
Day 318: This week is apparently the week for Bumble Bees. Tonight was Mommy’s turn to be stung. Buddy Bee had his 3 year doctors appointment today. Our little Buddy Bee weighs in at 29 lbs and is 36 ¼ inches tall….he is a tiny little Buddy Bee.
Day 317: Today was Buddy Bee’s last day of 2 year old Preschool.
Day 316: Buddy Bee was stung by a bee today. He was such a sad little boy.
Day 315: I got to spend a fabulous day with my friend, Stacie while Buddy Bee was enjoying school.
Day 310: The back porch has been cleaned and stripped by power washing! We are almost ready for staining. Buddy Bee returned home from school in a grumpy mood. The only thing that made him happy was a trip down the hill to see Oma.
Day 309: Buddy Bee spent the day driving his gator around the yard. He is one happy boy.
Day 308: Buddy Bee brought a special treat to share with his friends at school to celebrate his birthday. I needed a distraction from the mess created by our roofing adventure. While Buddy Bee was in school I tackled painting our two bathrooms.
Day 307: Buddy Bee had his very best friend over to play today...they are too cute together. The last few weeks have been overwhelming and exhausting….the last year has been overwhelming and exhausting who am I kidding. Mommy lost it tonight. I cried for a long time.
Day 306: Buddy Bee and his Mama are exhausted but we still made time to attend church, drove circles in the lawn with the Buddy Bee’s gator, and a walk/drive down the hill to visit grampy.
The birthday boy!
Andrew on the roof (via skype) talking to some of the roofing crew.
I have stressed over the shingle color, but seeing it on the roof made me fall in LOVE.
Day 305: 3 years ago, this beautiful little boy was placed in my arms for the first time. 3 years later, he doesn't stay in Mommy's arms long because this little boy would rather be running wild.....naked, digging in dig, and driving trucks. We are saving his birthday party until Daddy returns home but for a 3 year old a good old fashion roof raising is the next best thing......friends, family, tractors , tools, and lots of activity at the Park cabin today. Andrew, you need to hurry home because this boy of ours is growing up way to fast!
Day 304: We are almost ready for a little boy’s birthday and our roof raising tomorrow….Andrew, don’t worry about the roof anymore. I have it all under control!
Day 303: The house was clean until Buddy Bee got home from school…..he is a toddler tornado.
Day 302: Buddy Bee was a confused little boy between the sunshine and rain showers. After Buddy Bee went to bed birthday preparations got underway. Our Buddy Bee is going to be one surprised birthday boy on Saturday.
Day 301: After my trip to Walmart and Sam's club I am now prepared to feed an army come Saturday.
Day 300: Buddy Bee LOVES his new wagon! Andrew, he needs his Daddy to come home to pull him back up our hill….Mommy was not a fan of the ¼ mile walk back up the hill pulling Buddy Bee and his red wagon.
Day 299: Buddy Bee loves going to church to see his best friend Bobby. After our evening ice cream social at church I picked up the first Buddy Bee birthday present. I am so excited I found this perfect little, red wagon for a great price!
Andrew, I know you are missing home. You will be home with us on the hill very soon.
We love you!
Day 298: House projects never go as planned….things are conspiring against me to not finish before Andrew returns.
Day 297: Just a summer day splashing in the kiddie pool and a walk down the hill with the Buddy Bee.
Day 296: Happy 4th of July! Today is the last holiday we spend without Andrew during this deployment.
Day 295: We don’t like this deployment anymore.
Day 294: I find myself in tears a lot these days. When Andrew first left I cried because of the long year we would spend without him….my tears now are because of the long year that has passed, because of how emotionally and physically tired and drained I am, because I don’t want to be a single parent anymore, and because this little boy of ours needs his Daddy.
Day 293: I spent the day at the hospital hanging out with my sister and mom.
Day 292: Oh, the things a toddler will scream in the middle of a church service.
Day 291: Buddy Bee and I celebrated with our good friends as they found out they are having a little boy…..our football team is growing! Andrew, I wish you were home to sit on the porch and watch the lighting with me tonight. Storms on the hill are always a spectacular event.
Day 290: Buddy Bee was in love when the Lowes delivery truck arrived with two pallets of roofing material for us.
Day 289: Mommy was supposed to be cleaning the house while Buddy Bee was at school. Instead, Mommy got sidetracked by painting the master bath….Andrew, you are not going to like the color.
Day 288: It rained most of the day but in between the rain showers Buddy Bee jumped in the puddles. You have to let little boys jump in rain puddles!
Day 287: This child has enough energy for three days worth of toddler energy….he is defiantly feeling better. We spent a wonderful evening with friends and our Pastor’s family.
Day 286: To the doctors we go. Buddy Bee returned home with an antibiotic and two new trucks.
Day 285: Buddy Bee is my sick little boy.
Day 284: Buddy Bee talked a lot about Ollie today. This is his version of Ollie’s death….“Ollie got sick. Mommy put Ollie in towel. Ollie in box. Grampy dig. Grampy throw rock. Ollie in trash (We wrapped Ollie’s body in plastic before burial and I think BB thinks it was a trash bag). Ollie sleep. Ollie sick.” I will never doubt that I did the right thing for our Buddy Bee. He will never wonder about his special friend is.
Buddy Bee adores his Oma!
Day 283: Explaining Oliver’s death to our almost 3 year old broke my heart. Oliver and Buddy Bee were pals. Buddy Bee was there when I tried to revive his little friend, he watched me wrap our kitty in a towel and lovingly placed him in a box until his burial, he listened as I tried to explain in words he could understand that Ollie got sick, he asked questions and reiterated what Mommy was trying to explain, he watched as Grampy dig Ollie’s grave today, he understood that Ollie would then stay there and sleep, he watched as we wrapped up Ollie in preparation for burial, and he watched as we laid his special friend in the ground. We are going to miss Oliver.
Day 282: In loving memory of our handsome Oliver who passed away very suddenly tonight.
Day 281: Cabin staining, cabin staining, cabin staining… is never going to end.
Day 280: Summer days outside with the Buddy Bee.
Day 279: It’s very busy here are the Park Homestead….we are making progress on the transformation of the house!
Dad 278: Happy Father’s Day, Andrew. We love you very much and miss you even more. We can’t wait till the day we are a together as a whole family again.
Day 277: Mommy is on day 3 of a horrible headache. Thank goodness for sunshine for the Buddy Bee, a kiddie pool, nap time, and the Veggie Tales Jonah movie! When Jonah was riding his camel Buddy Bee screamed, “Daddy camel!”….your son fully expects you to return home with a camel, Andrew! You better get on that!!
Day 276: Today’s weather in Kuwait is an extreme 130 with a great amount of sand blowing. Buddy Bee is loving the rain puddles here in NEPA!
Day 275: Just another rainy day in NEPA. I was a nervous wreck driving the 5 miles home from the window shop with our new skylights in the trunk. At school Buddy Bee made Daddy a muffin…I don’t think it will keep until Daddy get’s home so we will just freeze it so he can have a special treat made by the Buddy Bee.
Day 274: What a beautiful day we were blessed with. I am obsessed with the woodpecker family that hangs out in our tree.
Day 273: Some days I really enjoy having Buddy Bee at school just so I can have a conversation with Andrew without a wild and loud little boy running around. But I know Andrew misses talking to the Bee when he is at school.
Day 272: Buddy Bee and I are off to mail our last letters to Daddy! Today is the LAST mail day!!! It may seem like such a little millstone but when you are anxious for Daddy to return home it’s a huge deal. No better way to show how much we care for him then with special Father’s Day cards.
Day 271: One day soon I will be able to tell Buddy Bee that we are at the armory to see his Daddy.
Day 270: Just another busy day with my Buddy Bee.
Day 269: Rainy days, rainy days....
Day 268: After some stress, our new roof has been ordered and the skylights to be ordered tomorrow….by the time our soldier comes home we will have a new roof over our heads.
Day 267: Crazy day at the Park household….between lawn mower drama and work being completed on the house we were busy little bee’s.
Day 266: We are loving Summer!
Day 265: Buddy Bee and I did it! We finished digging up the overgrown flower bed….exhausting work. Now the fun part begins of transplanting flowers!
Day 264: Sunday in church followed by a birthday celebration for Buddy Bee’s cousins. Buddy Bee got to try out the trampoline for the first time.
Day 263: Summer fun with a sprinkler and Buddy Bee wearing just his undies.
Day 262: Mommy may not be able to move tomorrow, but the front porch floor has a new fresh coat of stain. We broke out the sprinkler for summer!
Day 261: Mommy and Buddy Bee filled the “Kisses from Daddy” bowl for the last time!
Day 260: The cold we have been fighting off has hit the Park household full force. It is not stopping the Buddy Bee.
Day 259: It may have been raining but that did not stop the progress cleaning the outside logs of our cabin.
Day 258: It was not that many years ago, that I watched my husband hand a folded American flag to the mother of his best friend and say the hardest thing he has ever spoken….“This flag is presented on behalf of a grateful nation and the United States Army as a token of appreciation for your loved one’s honorable and faithful service”. We will always be grateful for Billy’s sacrifice.
Day 257: Buddy Bee and I are both not ourselves today.
Day 256: My email to Andrew started with, “I ruined the house”….adventures in staining the log cabin.
Day 255: Several rainy days in a row make for a Mama and Buddy Bee to go crazy stuck inside.
Day 254: All Buddy Bee can talk about is the “Pop-Kat” he saw at school today. (Pop-Kat = Bobcat)
Day 253: I don’t even recognize the Buddy Bee with his new summer hair cut. Second cousins came to play today….Buddy Bee was ready to go home with them. He had a great time. I will never complain about the heat while my hubby is in the Middle East.
Day 252: It’s been a long time since Mommy returned home from the dentist with achy teeth. I have a new personal goal to turn 30 with zero cavities…only 7 months to go. I took full advantage of our full bloom lilac trees and a happy, smiley boy for a photo session.
Day 251: I was so proud of the grown up little boy sitting in my lap for his dental cleaning. He proudly showed his 20 teeth to the dentist and even let her use some dental tools. He is obsessed with Daddy's hearing protection....mow the lawn Buddy Bee!
Day 250: Sunday School, church, military meeting, and an adventure with the lawn mower make for an exhausting day for Buddy Bee and I.
Day 249: Making plans for Andrew’s homecoming makes me so happy and hopeful…just booked a romantic cabin trip for just us in the finger lakes!
Day 248: Some days just run together and at the end I have no idea what Buddy Bee and I did that day. Today, was one of those days.
Day 247: Don’t let the cuteness fool you, Buddy Bee was a grumpy boy today.
Day 246: 9 years ago, I was a bride waiting for her groom and so excited to start our journey together. 9 years later, I am anxiously waiting for my groom to return home from his second deployment. Andrew, did you ever imagine that those 20 year old kids would be so extremely blessed and come so far together? I am just as excited to see you walk towards us in that airport a few months from now as I was to walk down that church aisle on our wedding day. Happy 9th Anniversary, Andrew.
Day 245: I have the most thoughtful and caring husband. A day early I received the most beautiful bouquet of anniversary flowers.
Day 244: This silly boy was just a joyful little kid today.
Day 243: This handsome, little boy was the first to ever call me Mama….Happy Mother’s Day.
Day 242: Buddy Bee and I accomplished more today than we have in weeks. The house is clean for Mother’s Day, Buddy Bee made special cards for all the special ladies in his life, and we each had an wonderful evening apart.
Day 241: Buddy Bee needed a trip to the doctors today. We returned home with an antibiotic for his cough.
Day 240: Two accidents at school this week; each involving driving a truck…Buddy Bee, Buddy Bee. Today Buddy Bee fell and cut his elbow. Someone got some extra hugs and kisses from Mommy tonight.
Day 239: It was a rainy day at home for the Buddy Bee and I. We caught moments outside between rain showers. Apparently, peeing on the grass is hilarious and absolutely necessary in little boys lives.
Day 238: Buddy Bee fell at school and cut open his lip and chin. He apparently was only concerned about getting back outside to drive the trucks.
Day 237: We enjoyed our time with friends but it was time for us to return home. A colorful, beautiful sight welcomed us home.
Day 236: Today, we celebrated my college friends growing family. Buddy Bee did not understand why he wasn't at his church and then slept through the birthday party. The last few days have tired him out.
Day 235: Friends, playtime, sunshine, and time away with my boy.
Day 234: Southern PA here we come. 4 hours later I am amazed at the fantastic little traveler sitting in the back seat. Time to spend a few days with my friend.
Day 233: What a busy day we both had….Buddy Bee went to school and according to him, he slept good last night. Mommy was busy packing, making a birthday cape, and overseeing our yard work. Tomorrow we are off on an adventure.
Day 232: This deployment is wearing us down. We are tired. Mommy is tired.
Day 231: I said the good, bad, and ugly…. You don’t want to know the ugly I feel tonight. May the end of this deployment come fast, PLEASE! Buddy Bee and I need our man of the house back. I want to scream and crying was defiantly involved! Tonight is a night that Mommy does not sleep…..I am SO over this deployment.
Day 230: Just a rainy day at home with the Buddy Bee and Andrew via skype. Our afternoon brought a trip to Lowes and some very thoughtful friends who helped us transport a new screen door home…the freedom Buddy Bee and I will have!
Day 229: Off to church we go.
Day 228: Mommy had a hot date tonight….okay, okay, Mommy had an evening out with my friend Stacie. I am thankful for friends like her. Buddy Bee got to take a walk to the pond with Oma in the morning.
Day 227: Buddy Bee is proud new owner of his very own petal tractor.
Day 226: Wal-Mart always makes me exhausted….so thankful Buddy Bee got to spend his day at school.
Day 225: Potty training here we come…
Day 224: Yes, my child is wearing the same outfit as he did Sunday…don’t judge me.
Day 223: Buddy Bee spent the day with Nana and Papa while Mommy was off to Syracuse with Meemaw for her doctors appointment.
Day 222: The precious face of my little boy when I tell him we get to go to church is so priceless.
Day 221: We are feeling so much better today. Springtime, wonderful weather, and Buddy Bee and Mommy spending the day outside make for happy Park’s.
Day 220: I am so thankful for my little boy. Buddy Bee has been an amazing big boy while Mommy has been ill. Hearing, “you okay, Mama?” will never get old.
Day 219: Chills, achy feeling, so very tired, and a horrible headache make this Mommy stay in bed while Buddy Bee is at school. This relationship between these two is new....Andrew, can you believe it?!
Day 218: Deployments are hard and sometimes you can’t help but feel alone. When Mommy is sick I miss my loving husband very much and oh, how do I feel so alone.
Day 217: School is tiring for a little boy.
Day 216: Just a simple day at home. Someone is spending a lot of time in his swing. Buddy Bee is LOVING spring!
Day 215: Our time in Lock Haven came to an end and Buddy Bee and I reluctantly returned home. We had an amazing weekend. I always find it refreshing to spend time with the first person I met at college, my first roommate, and a best friend for life.
Day 214: Oh, how I miss this place. Lock Haven was my college home. It was the place where Andrew and I started our married lives together…..I love being back here.
Day 213: Lock Haven, here comes Buddy Bee and his Mama! We are off on our weekend adventure!
Day 212: We are busy packing and preparing for our weekend away! I can’t wait! I am so excited!!!
Day 211: My boy is back! The rainy day could not stop us from getting outside.
Day 210: Buddy Bee so wants to be better…he is trying so hard.
Day 209: All my little boy wanted to do today was lay on the couch. We are spending lots of time snuggling. The good news is that the throwing-up stopped in the middle of the night.
Day 208: Church and a nice afternoon skyping with Andrew and playing outside. Buddy Bee even got a little surprise with his new crocs and t-ball set. Our evening ended with a very sick little boy.
Day 209: Buddy Bee would like you to know that HE washed the car today. He is such a proud little boy. We spent the day in the sunshine.
Day 206: Sunshine, fresh air, and a little exploring do both a Mommy and Buddy Bee good.
Day 205: Cleaning never seems to end for a Mama. Buddy Bee had an great day at school and came home exhausted. It’s been forever since he has fallen asleep in my arms while I rocked him at bedtime….for a few moments I enjoyed my little baby again.
Day 204: Buddy Bee did not sleep well in the night....
Day 203: I am still very sore, so I promised my man I would take it easy while the Bee was at school. Buddy Bee had a great day at school. He always comes home exhausted. Today Andrew and I could only chat via instant message due to the internet connection…I missed being able to see his face.
Day 202: Mommy woke up not able to move her neck. Mommy required a quiet day at home with the Buddy Bee. He was very content to play with his new trains from his Easter basket. Watching his imagination is an amazing thing.
Day 201: Happy Easter from the Park family!
Day 200: Mommy was busy cooking and baking for our Easter dinner tomorrow. Later in the day, Buddy Bee got to run wild outside at his first Easter egg hunt with his cousins. I can’t believe it has been 200 days since Andrew first left.
Day 199: Buddy Bee needed a trip to the walk-in clinic for his cough today. Even though he has this cough again, I am so thankful it has not turned into an ear or sinus infection. Buddy Bee’s Easter basket was lovingly packed and tucked away until Sunday night…..can’t wait to see his face when he finally has his very own Percy train.
Day 198: Buddy Bee was up most of the night with a horrible cough. He does not feel good. He was a winy, tearful, tired boy most of the day.
Day 197: Once in a while you just need a silly day.
Day 196: Spring cleaning, Buddy Bee school day, and an amazing sunset over the mountains. This is our forever home. Wish you where here to enjoy it with us, Andrew.
Day 195: Buddy Bee has always loved his baths. Since his surgery though, they have become a difficult experience. Little Buddy Bee’s do not like wearing ear plugs. We made a deal today….Buddy Bee didn't have to wear the plugs if he would fold over his ears and cover them with his hands while Mommy washed his hair. It worked like a charm.
Day 194: Sometimes I am in utter amazement of the little boys who are laid back, quite, and still. Our Buddy Bee is NOT that kind of little boy. I sat in church today watching a 2 year old sit so quietly during the service…the whole time I could hear my boy makings lots of noise and jumping around in the nursery. Sometimes I need the reminder that our little boy was given to us just the way he is. He is full of love, spirit, energy, and joy. All of those things make him who he is and our little Buddy Bee.
Day 193: Buddy Bee and I had a much more encouraging day today. We celebrated the first birthday of a very special friend to our Buddy Bee. Buddy Bee didn't understand why all the presents were not for him, but the birthday boy graciously allowed Buddy Bee to help open a few.
Day 192: I would have given anything to receive a hug from my husband today. Buddy Bee was the screaming, crying, hitting, throwing, kicking child on our shopping trip this morning. And no I did not need your gasps or comments as my tantruming 2 year old and I passed you in the aisles. I greeted my husband on skype in tears. We miss him.
Day 191: Buddy Bee returned to school and Mommy tore apart the house. Buddy Bee’s create huge disasters during 6 full days stuck in the house. Cleaning truly does not get done with a toddler in the house. Buddy Bee had a visitor come to dinner. He was so excited to see his Meemaw again….if only I could get him to call her Meemaw when she is here.
Day 190: A month ago I never imaged Buddy Bee would be saying 5 word phrases. Our Buddy Bee has changed so much since his surgery. “No talk to Daddy, Mama” was the phrase today….Buddy Bee finds it very difficult to sit and talk to Andrew sometimes. It takes time away from playing. Most of the time Daddy just watches and does the talking.
Day 189: We braved the icy/snowy roads so Buddy Bee could go to school….hour later he was sent home with a fever. Besides a runny nose, fever, and the rosiest checks I have ever seen he seems to be fine. When Andrew skyped with us today he expected a sick little boy. He got a little boy jumping on the bed instead.
Day 188: Buddy Bee was in a crafty mood today. Buddy Bee painted a picture for Daddy and Grampy, made creations in playdoh with Mommy, and drew lots of pictures.
Day 187: Church followed by a meeting at the armory make for long days with my little boy. Buddy Bee’s disappointed face as he was looking for his Daddy brought tears to my eyes.
Day 186: Changes are coming for bedtime. Mommy has reached her limit. Buddy Bee can sure take advantage of Mommy’s loving heart towards him. He knows how to play me… more games, child!
Day 185: Just another peaceful day at home with the Bee. Lots of trucks and trains were involved in our day. Just normal Buddy Bee stuff.
Day 184: Buddy Bee had his first kiss with a girl today. He has two good friends at school, another little boy and a little girl. As he was saying his goodbyes he gave his boy friend a great big hug and then a great big kiss to his little girl friend. It’s those blue eyes…..his Daddy knows how to use them and Buddy Bee is following right behind him. :)
Day 183: I will never understand why the child was up at 4 this morning, but he was. We got through and survived the day! Mommy should have taken a nap with Buddy Bee instead of doing my 3 mile run.
Day 182: On Buddy Bee school days I piddle around the house. It is amazing! I can get things accomplished that don’t get done with Buddy Bee around.
Day 181: Oma came to visit in the morning and after his nap we spent the evening at Nana and Papa’s house….Buddy Bee was a VERY happy little boy!
Day 180: Buddy Bee was excited to see his best friend at church today! He did get a boo-boo, but was such a big boy and did not even cry. He is very proud of it. I finished our new March wreath today.
Day 179: I asked Buddy Bee if he wanted to go for a short walk today. He was really excited and honestly I was glad for the sunshine and wonderful weather. I did not have a destination in mind, however Buddy Bee did. “GO SEE P!” He was off and I was not stopping him. We were off to see Grampy!
Day 178: One thing I will remember fondly from this deployment are Buddy Bee’s requests to play in his tent with Mommy and Daddy. Our video chats with Andrew can change our whole day…we both need to see him.
Day 177: I love my quiet days at home, but the hugs I get from the Buddy Bee when I pick him up from school are even better!
Day 176: We are on the search for a missing carrot. Buddy Bee insists he threw it down the basement stairs…Buddy Bee and the case of his missing (hopefully not rotten when I find it) carrot.
Day 175: Over the fast few weeks Buddy Bee and I have been working our way through classic Disney movies. So far only a few have impressed him. He has liked Peter Pan and Robin Hood. Twice a week, we settle in for a evening of Disney and driving trucks and trains around the living room.
Day 174: Curious George, Superman pajamas, a Buddy Bee super cape, carrots, pickles, and corn bread for breakfast…..normal Buddy Bee morning.
Day 173: Morning in church followed by a lazy Sunday afternoon. Just what we needed. Out with the 20 year old, leaking, not reliable, cream refrigerator and in with the new to us, 5 year old, larger, FREE, stainless steel refrigerator!
Day 172: Dr. Seuss party at Buddy Bee’s school!
Day 171: Shopping with Mommy followed by a visit to see Papa at his rehab facility. Buddy Bee had a fabulous time with Papa and was quite the little entertainer. A 2 year old can certainly draw a crowd.
Day 170: Another sleepless night last night. Buddy Bee was up and excited for school like nothing happened last night. A nap will most likely be in store for Mommy’s day. I have no idea where this kids energy comes from.
Day 169: After Buddy Bee’s night we postponed our plans for the day. We both needed a day at home. Trucks and trains, trucks and trains, and some throwing stuff are the activities of choice for this Buddy Bee.
Day 168: Buddy Bee is having night terrors again. Tonight was the worst he has ever experienced. I feel so helpless.
Day 167: I will never understand a little boys desire to whack stuff. This child has spent most of his day whacking things, jumping off of things, throwing stuff, and dumping stuff. Spring can’t come soon enough! Buddy Bee is starting to learn his colors! That makes me so happy!
Day 166: We had a great day today. Morning in Church, afternoon talking to Daddy, napping, and a evening of dump truck ping pong. Buddy Bee thinks it is funny to surprise Mommy by running through the house naked.
Day 165: Playing in laundry baskets and bouncing a ping pong ball off of a metal dump can lead to hours of Buddy Bee excitement.
Day 164: I am so thankful for these wonderful days with my Buddy Bee. It melts my heart knowing my boy is feeling better. I am full of smiles having my boy back. We enjoyed a wonderful evening with friends tonight.
Day 163: Buddy Bee’s cough is much better. We have been getting actual sleep at night. Besides a runny nose and that nasty cough, Buddy Bee has been so happy and content. After 4 months of a very sick little boy, what a difference 2 procedures can make.
Day 162: Running around in circles, driving trucks, conducting trains, and talking to Daddy make for excellent days with the Buddy Bee.
Day 161: My love celebrated his 29th birthday today. Wish we were there to celebrate with him.
Day 160: Buddy Bee and I love our days at home. Talking with Andrew, driving trucks, reading books, eating lots of apples and cheese, Curious George, running in circles, and lots of smiles and laughter make Buddy Bee a very happy boy.
Day 159: Our morning was spent in church and our Sunday afternoon was spent talking to Andrew and enjoying cuddles on the couch.
Day 158: Buddy Bee is having a hard time sleeping. He spends hours up at night coughing. It breaks my heart that I can’t do much for him. We have spent a lot of time rocking in the night. I can’t wait for the antibiotic to kick in. Mommy and the boy need sleep. Buddy Bee got new shoes...he loves them!
Day 157: After a trip to Buddy Bee’s doctor we spent the afternoon celebrating Valentines Day with Andrew. Buddy Bee loved his new bowling set from his Daddy. These boys of mine will always have my heart.
Day 156: On this Valentines Day, I am so thankful for my little Buddy Bee. His hugs and kisses give me so much comfort while missing my love.
Day 155: The Mama is busy working on a secret project for my littlest Valentine. Tomorrow we will have a SUPER BUDDY BEE! We have been struggling with bedtime. Buddy Bee knows how to play on Mommy’s heart. We miss Andrew so much, but it is around dinner and bedtime where we feel it the most.
Day 154: Buddy Bee’s cough is getting worse. We are not sleeping.
Day 153: Be prepared because I have my grumpy, mad at this deployment pants on today. I am tired of this deployment. I am tired of being a single parent, tired of being alone at night, tired of taking out the garbage, changing the cat box, tending the coal stove, and tired of fighting with the BB at bedtime. I miss my best friend and love. Andrew, I am sorry I was selfish in wanting you to stay up and talk to us today. I was not sensitive and understanding. I hate having to say goodbye to you. A sick boy can sometimes bring out a grumpy Mama. Please, please, please let it just be a cold….
Day 152: Sunday School and Church followed by lunch with Grampy and Uncle Jordan. Today was a Buddy Bee dream day! “Uncle” and Buddy Bee have the best time together. The sweetest part was when Buddy Bee asked “Uncle” to play in his play tent…..for over an hour those two boys played in BB’s tent with only a nightlight as their light. We miss having Uncle Jordan around all the time. I am no longer the crazy lady with a Christmas tree on her front porch!
Day 151: Buddy Bee and I had a wonderful snow day! We missed Andrew a lot today….he should have been outside playing in the snow with us. The Mama’s ankle is not a fan of running up and down the snow covered hill after the Buddy Bee. We have said many times that we have the perfect home/yard for a little boy….Buddy Bee is going to have a blast sledding down our giant hill as he grows up.
Day 150: I am in love with my new rice cooker! How have I lived without it. Buddy Bee was my big helper today. We stayed cozy in our little cabin as we waited for the snow to come.
Day 149: Andrew has a 19 lb. box of birthday goodies heading his way! I told Andrew that Buddy Bee was not included in this package just if he was wondering why it was so heavy. The Mama spent the morning at the doctors and running errands This Mama has another sinus infection… was mentioned…..I guess we might be seeing how many surgeries Buddy Bee and I can accumulate during this deployment. Buddy Bee came home from school exhausted. It must have been a great and busy day at school. He has his first homework assignment!
Day 148: Buddy Bee received excellent news from his ENT surgeon today. His ears look fantastic! Buddy Bee was not interested in participating in the hearing test. We don’t know for sure if his hearing as returned but I personally think it has….this child has not stopped talking and saying new words and phrases since his surgery. Buddy Bee made a special painting for Daddy’s birthday. He was so proud and excited about his creations.
Day 147: The house is so quite without the Buddy Bee. He had a great day at school. The Mama was stuck with grocery shopping and dealing with our insurance regarding the accident. I had to sign a Photographers copy write release to print my own photos today…..weird experience and I don’t really know how to feel.
Day 146: Trucks, trains, balloons, and talking to Daddy!
Day 145: It was so good to be back at church. Buddy Bee was even good enough for Sunday School. The best part was being able to answer peoples questions about how our boy was feeling with positive words! My boy is feeling better!
Day 144: Buddy Bee had a rough day today. I am not sure why. Our day consisted of tears, a winy little boy, and lots of little accidents. His day ended in getting his hand stuck in his dump truck.
Day 143: I stood in front of the remains of our SUV holding back tears. The mangled wreck in front of me was very hard to take in. There is no reason, other than a miracle, that my Dad walked away from this accident. It was surreal digging through the remains hoping to find our belongings among the glass and debris. I realized today that I am not ready to loose my dad. I am so thankful for his protection.
Day 142: Feeling very thankful today. My Buddy Bee is feeling great, my dad is still in our lives, my hubby, even a world away, is doing well and is relatively safe, and I have wonderful friends who are more caring than what words can describe. Buddy Bee and Grampy sharing a snack.
Day 141: I almost lost my dad today….
Day 140: After a few weeks of illnesses in the Park household my house was a disaster. Buddy Bee was enjoying his day at school and Mommy was busy tackling our messy house. Cleaning is so much easier without a Buddy Bee creating messes right behind me.
Day 139: Buddy Bee spent his day driving trucks and throwing around balloons. He has not stopped talking since his surgery! It is amazing how much he has to say. Even more amazing is what comes out of that mouth…..he is so funny. My mother’s heart is smiling.
Day 138: Buddy Bee and I slept in and had a quiet morning at the cabin. Buddy Bee was so excited to go to Nana and Papa’s for lunch. Even though the surgery may not permanently fix the problem, it was so worth it to have my boy back even for just a short while.
Day 137: Even though my boy has just had surgery I can tell he is starting to feel better. I can’t imagine how much better I would feel if a ton of infection was removed from my ears and throat. He has also surprised me with several new words and phrases today. I can’t help but think it is a result of the surgery. I am hopeful his hearing has returned to full.
Day 136: Buddy Bee had his 3rd surgery today. The surgery went very well and I am so proud of my brave little boy. Things were much worse than we first anticipated so we are so thankful we went ahead with the surgery this week. Eli was able to skype with Andrew at the hospital right after surgery!
Day 135: Buddy Bee was enjoying school while Mommy was busy with surgery preparations and my FINAL orthopedics appointment. We are hopeful for change for the better tomorrow. I am nervous about Andrew not being by my side for our babies surgery.
Day 134: We need answers to Buddy Bee’s illnesses. 5 infections in 4 months is way to many. We returned to the ENT today. Buddy Bee was treated like a little king with exams and several hearing tests. It was determined that our boys hearing was below normal. I never even noticed it, but sitting in that hearing test and not seeing him respond to the sound until it was turned up so loud was disheartening. The doctors recommended surgery to put tubes in his ears and also to remove Buddy Bee’s adenoids. My little boy would be having his 3rd surgery Friday.
Day 133: This Mama, who is sick in bed, is very thankful for Buddy Bee’s day at school.
Day 132: It was The Mama’s turn to visit the doctors. I think this is one of the worst sinus infections I have ever had. It is really knocking me out. After a trip to the pharmacy we were back home and ready for nap time! The Mama NEEDS nap time
Day 131: A fever, nasty cough, sore throat, runny nose, and feeling achy and tired makes The Mama very miserable. Buddy Bee and I are just a sickly bunch. Buddy Bee is still not recovering from his sinus infection. I think a call to the doctors will be in order Monday morning. The highlight of Buddy Bee’s day was receiving his new boots delivered by Grampy. Buddy Bee wore them all evening saying, “cool boots”. He must like them because he took them to bed with him.
Day 130: I thought I would be over this cold by now but it seems it is getting worse. And my poor little Buddy Bee just does not seem to be getting better either. One would think by day 6th of an antibiotic you would at least see an improvement. Our day was filled with snuggling on the couch, snuggling during naptime, lots of Curious George, and maybe some train conducting. I did not prompt this photo. I keep this picture of Andrew from basic training on my vanity. Buddy Bee LOVES this photo of Andrew. He looks at it often and was proudly showing me his Dada.
Day 129: It truly amazes me how a little cold can change the whole outcome of a week. We are missing our very thoughtful, helpful, and caring Andrew this week. Buddy Bee is sick and The Mama is even worse.
Day 128: Buddy Bee was excited to go to school even though he was still not feeling the best. I knew that if he needed to come home I was only a call away. My thoughtful boy shared his germs so The Mama spent the day on the couch. My birthday present from Andrew arrived today.
Day 127: Today, Buddy Bee and I had a little snow day. I love our cabin in a snow covered world. When Buddy Bee got up in the morning he climbed into Mama’s bed and we watched Curious George for the next hour and a half. It was so hard to start our day with a content little boy snuggled next to me. We had a lazy day at home. With both of us not feeling the best we enjoyed our day at home. If only I could have kept Buddy Bee out of the cat food….
Day 126: Deployments don’t stop the word around you or a marriage…okay, maybe for some it does but not for Andrew and I. Even though I desire that each time I talk to my soldier to be perfect, it does not always play out that way. Thankfully, I have an amazing husband who I can argue with but still love unconditionally. Andrew, I love you even though we are arguing about a fridge….don’t you feel grown up.
Day 125: Buddy Bee returned to the doctors today for yet another sinus infection. Counting ear infections and sinus infections this is his 5th infection since October. I am hoping for some answers next week. I have never seen a sinus infection drain out of a person’s eyes like they do for my child. We NEED answers next week. Buddy Bee can’t go the next few months with an another infection every 2 weeks…I can’t go the next few months with a sick child.
Day 124: It was hard to leave my girlfriends and my college home, but I had a little boy to get home to. It is always hard to leave these girls knowing it will be months before we see each other again. Some days, I miss those college days when we lived at the end of the hall, on the 5th floor of North Hall. I am so thankful for the friendships I made in college. These girls were a blessing to me then, but as I lean on them now I fully realize how much I cherish each one of them.
Day 123: My 29th birthday was full of surprises and special touches from both my husband and my college friends. I am a very blessed women. Flowers were delivered from my amazing husband, ceramics with my girls, dinner out, a movie, and lots of yummy food all created a wonderful day. I was truly spoiled from across the world and by the 3 best friends a girl could ask for. A birthday that I was dreading without my husband turned out to be an amazing one.
Day 122: I love my little boy to pieces but this Mama needs a weekend away. Buddy Bee and I packed up our things and prepared for a weekend away….not with each other! Buddy Bee couldn't wait for his weekend with Nana and Papa and I savored the peaceful drive to Lock Haven. I would be spending my birthday with the 3 most special girlfriends I could ever ask for.
Day 121: I never imagined how much I would rely on and cherish Buddy Bee’s school days. I love my little boy but this single parent gig is tiresome. Most people don’t understand, they try, but they don’t. I am so thankful for a husband who thought of me. He not only knew what I would need but also what our Buddy Bee would need.
Day 120: I will always be amazed at how grown up Buddy Bee looks after a hair cut. Today was Buddy Bee’s 6th hair cut. He was such a big boy for most of it. He would have been much happier just playing with the Barber’s dog. There were some tears but we now have a handsome little man. In Andrew’s words, “we no longer have a little hippie running around”.
Day 119: Buddy Bee had a great day at school. I am on my second day back at biking. I feel amazing! My leg and ankle feel great! My new goal for this deployment is to bike 100 miles a week. That turns out to be 20 miles/1 hour a day for 5 days. I can do that! Putting it into deployment terms…I have about 4,000 miles to bike until I see my man! Andrew, I am going to have some sexy legs by the time you get back! 4,000 miles to go, baby!
Day 118: My days with the Buddy Bee end with Mommy finding a pile of trucks in the washer machine! Glad I looked before I threw in a load of dirty diapers! He makes me laugh and we laughed a lot today. These days are the best days with my boy. Here is some insight into this deployment. I stay up late waiting for Andrew to get up for his day, hoping we can chat on AIM for a few minutes before I head to bed and before he heads to work. Buddy Bee and I sometimes get the opportunity to skype with Andrew after his work day is done (our mid-morning). The joys of an 8 hour difference. Though it does seem to work out okay for us. Buddy Bee, right now, is more interested in seeing himself in the skype screen then talking to Daddy.
Day 117: Buddy Bee and I enjoyed our morning at church. We almost didn't make it as Buddy Bee did not sleep well. He is starting to express what hurts and I am thankful for that. It can be so hard at guessing what is wrong. This morning he showed me his teeth were bothering him and sure enough we have a few new molars appearing. Thankful we are on the last set until they start to fall out in a few years!
Day 116: I am thankful for a new day with the Buddy Bee. We had an enjoyable day together. Buddy Bee spent most of his day transporting trucks. I took a 2 mile run today. This was the first run in over 3 months. It felt amazing to be running again. I never thought I would miss it but I really did. At this point my ankle may not be able to keep up, so I might have to return to biking…..if I only stuck with biking in the first place. I won’t over do it, Andrew….I promise.
Day 115: I had one of those days where I just wanted to cry. Buddy Bee was in winy, defiant mood and with the mood Mommy was in it made for a very frustrating day. We did not get to skype with Andrew which always make for a tense day. Our Christmas tree cam down today…..if I thought putting a Christmas tree up with a 2 year old was bad I never imagined how taking it down would be. Someone got a boo-boo today. It’s a big deal to the Buddy Bee. I am so thankful for an early Buddy Bee bedtime!
Day 114: Birthday surprises for Andrew are in the works. I spent a lovely morning with an amazing lady while Buddy Bee was at school. If only I could reveal the surprise, but I can’t and I wont.
Day 113: A very grumpy boy requires all scheduled appointments to be cancelled. I was not taking that child out of this house in his mood. Andrew and I spent some time making decisions on what type of roof we will be replacing ours with come spring. I found what I like and made a fast decision. Some things can be so simple. Buddy Bee never took a nap. You can only imagine what our night was like…..grumpy boy meets overtired boy. The highlight of my day was when my Christmas shoes came! Andrew, you are going to hate them!
Day 112: Just another day at our cabin. We could have had a very cold day here. I completely forgot to tend the coal stove until 2 this afternoon. Thankfully I could save it. See honey, my crazy coal tending habits came in useful today. I will just continue to stuff that stove full every night because you never know when I will forget it again….hopefully not anytime soon. Apparently the nativity characters traveled to the manger by dump truck. I love having a little boy!
Day 111: Buddy Bee moved to “Mama’s bed” around 6:30, he was awake by 8:30, and then we snuggled and watched tv in bed until 9:30. Around 11:00 we skyped with Andrew. Buddy Bee shared an apple and held races around the house with his Daddy. What a wonderful morning. I spent New Years with my lovely husband through a computer screen. I owe you a New Years kiss, my dearest.
Day 110: Our day was filled with preparations for our friends Christmas party. Buddy Bee was in such a good mood. We have a foot of snow. Thankfully I was plowed out this morning. Cooking, cleaning, friends, and a little boy playing by my side are what make some of the best days. Andrew, I miss your strong arms shoveling our front walk. Come summer I am replacing those stepping stones because they make shoveling horrible. It was wonderful to have our cabin filled with friends, Buddy Bee playmates, and lots of laughter.
Day 109: We celebrated Christmas with Grampy and my siblings at our cabin. In a world of falling snow we opened gifts, laughed, and had an amazing breakfast. I never knew my child had a love for sausage links like the way he ate them today.
Day 108: My boy woke up happy and running wild. It is so nice to hear him laughing. It’s been so long since I have heard his laugh…I have missed that just as much has I miss Andrew. While I worked on things for the house, Buddy Bee played with his train set. My long lost little boy is back.
Day 107: We are covered in a blanket of white. Andrew, I know you are missing the snow….Buddy Bee ate some for you if that counts for anything. He had a grand time sledding down our hill (not the big hill but the Buddy Bee size one). His true love was dumping snow with his trucks.
Day 106: The day after Christmas consisted of Buddy Bee toy discovery. He is a blessed little boy. I am beyond blessed with this special boy in my life. His smile will get me through this deployment.
Day 105: Christmas morning Andrew (via skype) and I continued our tradition of waking up our Buddy Bee together. Buddy Bee was in utter amazement with his train set assembled around the Christmas tree. I will always remember this Christmas for the bittersweet memories we made with our love who is deployed across the world. In all the years the military has separated us, we have never been apart for Christmas.
Day 104: Our Christmas Eve tradition is to celebrate Christmas with Andrew’s family. Buddy Bee was a handsome, little man in his Christmas suit. With all of his gifts his chosen “toys” for the evening were Nana’s Christmas train centerpiece and an arm extender. We read the Christmas story at bedtime and I tucked my little boy into bed with his train from Nana. This Mama now had a train set to assemble for a special little boy.
Day 103: I had plans on attending our Christmas Sunday service however things change when a little boy is throwing up during the night. This poor child can not get a break from illness. We spent the day snuggled on the couch. My hope is that we will both be well come Christmas.
Day 102: Today, for the first time in a month, I actually saw my husband. Words can not express how happy and relieved that makes me. We have tried to skype several times over the last month, but due to the connection we have never truly seen Andrew’s face. Seeing his eyes brings me to tears. Buddy Bee was beyond excited. Buddy Bee made special Christmas Apple Cinnamon Ornaments for our friends today. And at Nana and Papa’s he even made his first gingerbread house. He was more interested in eating the candy and licking the icing off the roof.
Day 101: This evening Buddy Bee REQUESTED a diaper change. Usually I am the one noticing a stinky child running through the house. Not only did we have a dirty diaper but I found whole, uneaten goldfish crackers….did my child stuff goldfish down his diaper? (Head shake from “The Mama”.) Andrew, I know you are laughing out loud about this! After a miserable day shopping with the Bee, it can be odd things like unexpected goldfish that turn a day around.
Day 100: While Buddy Bee was at school I loaded up our SUV with dozens of boxes of toys for our unit. I barley fit them all into the SUV. Once I got them to the unit I started the sorting process. Several hours later I was only half way through. It would have to wait for another day because I had a little Buddy Bee to pick up from school.
Day 99: By afternoon our home was full of Christmas spices. With the help of our friend, Julia, we made dozens of Christmas cookies. Buddy Bee was feeling so much better today. He is making up for the loss of sleep the last few days. This child took a 3.5 hour nap. It was amazing to hear his little laugh again. I have missed that.
Day 98: Baby Jesus has been found! His air travel landed him behind the television. Buddy Bee was still feverish so he stayed home from school. We are hit and miss with how the boy is feeling and acting. There are moments where I know he is feeling better but then those that I know I still have a very sick little boy.
Day 97: Baby Jesus is missing in the Park household. He took a little trip by air and now has gone missing…poor, baby Jesus. Buddy Bee is starting to feel a bit better. We had a sleepless night but by morning the Bee was ready to drive some trucks around the house. I am feeling worn down. I have had to many nights without sleep.
Day 96: I held my burning child in my arms during the night praying that his fever would break. By morning it was up to 104.5 and we were heading to the emergency room. I felt so much fear holding him. To know I could not turn to my husband was hard. To hear his cries when I touched him because of the sting was heartbreaking. There were no signs of the double ear and sinus infection determination. Thankfully his fever is down because of pain medication every 3 hours. The night terrors however are unbearable. I want my little boy to be running around the house like a wild man…I want him to be himself.
Day 97: My little boy stayed in my arms today. He woke up with a fever of a 103. Between his little tears and lots of kisses and hugs we watched lots of toddler television. By bedtime his fever was up to 104.4 even with rotating medication all day. I rocked and sang all of his little song requests until he fell asleep. Once he was tucked into his bed I called his doctor.
Day 96: I held my little boy close, very close today. Today was a reminder that my time with him is not mine and that I only have him for a short while. Buddy Bee was happy to be in Mommy’s arms due to a fever. I am grateful for the moments of little snuggles and butterfly kisses with my little, Buddy Bee. Our first package of love was sent to Andrew today. I can hope it gets there by Christmas.
Day 95: Buddy Bee’s day started off with getting ready for school and talking to Daddy. After a few hours at school Buddy Bee returned home due to a water main break. Andrew was able to call again and Buddy Bee spent 20 minutes “showing” Daddy his Christmas tree, talking about trucks, and carrying around the phone while he “played” with Daddy. It was so perfect hearing them laugh together.
Day 94: Buddy Bee and I had an exciting morning. We mailed our first letter to Andrew. Buddy Bee was in a silly mood and it was perfect. I love his silly, little self.
Day 93: Buddy Bee had a tearful goodbye at school. He always has a great day but goodbyes are hard. I took my last trip and pick up for Operation Home Front. The boxes of toys are overflowing our garage. It’s going to be exciting to wrap up all those toys for our unit. I was so thankful to be able to spend 20 minutes talking to my husband….oh, I will cherish those moments with him.
Day 92: I have been struggling. I never thought I could feel this way or to not even feel anything. I have been in an emotional dark place. I have wanted to hide in my little house and not face the reality of our lives for the next 9 months. I care for the Bee but other than that I have been closed off and distant. I can see the place I am in but can’t seem to climb out. I am sure I have concerned Andrew. Today, we chatted on AIM (a blast from our collage and high school days). Today, I was happy……this was the happiest I have been in weeks. Being connected to him….I can’t explain how wonderful it felt. I felt, for the first time in weeks, like I could survive this deployment. Keeping chatting with me, Andrew…..keep chatting with me like we did before we got married.
Day 91: I was beginning to doubt that we would have a Christmas tree this year. Once again, I am thankful for friends. Such wonderful friends meet me at a local tree farm to bring home the Park’s Christmas Tree. Buddy Bee picked out our tree this year. He was so cute. Looking at trees he all of a sudden said, “that” and pointed to a tree across the way. We walked over to inspect Buddy Bee’s requested tree to find the perfect tree. How could I say no to his very clear request. Buddy Bee picked out our perfect tree….he is becoming the little, man of the house.
Day 90: Our little cabin on the hill is now lit up with Christmas cheer. I am blown away with the friends in our lives. Seven very thoughtful people gave up their Saturday afternoon to hang icicle lights on our cabin. It was such a silly, little request from me but one that has brightened our little lives. I am trying hard to make this a special Christmas for Buddy Bee….I NEED it to be special for him.
Day 89: The little boy woke up in a very moody, horrible mood. We struggled through the day. Our highlight was talking to Andrew! We both needed to hear his voice. Nap time consisted of the Bee and I snuggled together. I think we needed that nap just as much as we needed to talk to Andrew.
Day 88: It was so nice to spend a few hours Christmas shopping while the Buddy Bee was at school. I found the perfect fire truck for the Bee along with a few other things. My heart is not really into this Christmas but I have to make this extra special for our boy. I know I have to snap out of this fog I am in, but missing my husband seems to take over my mind and heart.
Day 87: Buddy Bee and I spent our day at home. He loves being here. He loves watching his shows, snuggling with Mommy, and playing with his toys. We even bundled up and went outside to kick and throw his ball. Mommy was freezing but Buddy Bee was having a great time. We have a live mouse in our outside garbage can…Andrew, you need to come home NOW!
Day 86: The stress fracture, sprained ankle, and deploying husband turned my fall season upside down. Before the leg injuries I bought 250 tulips to plant for next spring. After the injuries I did not think they would get planted. I ran out of time, warm weather, and the ability to even bend down on my leg. I never imagined that in December I would get another chance. Today, I planted my tulips in 60 degree weather! Andrew, our service flag is once again on our door....we honor you while you are gone.
Day 85: I walked out of my ortho appointment without the boot! The doctors still do not feel that the stress fracture is completely healed, but they did agree with me that being in more pain while wearing the boot was not helping the healing. Wearing the boot for even just a few hours was causing me great pain so I am so thankful they let it go. My ankle is doing great. It can be sore and is very stiff but it can be for 3 months. I still have a road to go to be fully healed but I will get there.
Day 84: The steroid is making Buddy Bee sick. He was awake in the night and I couldn't resist moving him into our bed. Andrew and I have not made it a habit to have the Bee in our bed, but tonight his little face told me he needed to be close to Mommy. It’s going to be hard to not make this a habit because it was nice having him snuggled next to me. We celebrated thanksgiving with my mom and brother and sister after church. Buddy Bee had a blast playing with Uncle Jordan and cousin Ava. I have checked my email dozens of times for any word from Andrew…..this does not seem real.
Day 83: I have been anxiously waiting for a phone call and today I finally received it. Andrew called us from Kuwait. He had just arrived and was settling in on base. I am struggling. As long as Andrew was still in the states I felt connected to him. He is a world away and I couldn't feel any further away from him and alone as I do now. This deployment is real now. My husband is deployed again.
Day 82: Buddy Bee was really interested in sharks today. I was working on the aquarium blog post and he liked looking at the pictures with me. After that, sharks were all he could talk about. After dinner I found a shark documentary to watch with him. He LOVED it! At one point during the program a gentleman who had been attacked by a shark told his story. They showed pictures of his leg all bandaged up and with him on crutches. Later on, Buddy Bee walked over to me, touched my injured leg and said, “Shark! Mama, Shark! Mama, Shark! Okay?”. In his 2 year old mind he connected the shark attack with my leg injury. Buddy Bee thought his Mommy was attacked by a shark. No word from Andrew....that means he is still traveling.
Day 81: It was an average morning at the Park house. Buddy Bee went to school and I was able to accomplish housework and enjoyed a quiet tea break. It was an average day until I realized Andrew’s phone was turned off that evening. His phone being turned off only means one thing……Andrew had left the country. The reality hit me hard.
Day 80: The allergist does not think Buddy Bee has allergies! I am so glad. He determined that the cough is most likely a post viral cough that could last up to 3 months. He prescribed a steroid for the next month along with a acid reflux medication. I am nervous about the new medication and the possible side effects.
Day 79: We woke up to a beautiful snow covered mountain. Buddy Bee was so cute this morning. I found him snuggled up under a pile of blankets. Once he woke up, he was so content under the blankets that he told me he did not want to get out of bed. I wish I could have gotten in with him. Once he was up and dressed he was off to school. Buddy Bee was safely delivered and Mommy was off on another Operation Home Front pick-up.
Day 78: We will finally be getting answers to why we can’t get rid of Buddy Bee’s cough and stuffy nose. Buddy Bee was referred to an allergy specialist by his pediatrician. His appointment is on Wednesday. After being the main focus of over 2,000 pictures taken last week, the Buddy Bee is not interested in having his picture taken.
Day 77: Buddy Bee and I stayed home from church and snuggled on the couch. Buddy Bee has wanted to be home since our trip and I completely understand. He is not a fan of the car right now. We are having trouble getting back into our everyday routine. It might have something to do with me hiding from the reality that we just said goodbye to Andrew for the next 9 months. Meet my deployment bear. Andrew gave me this bear when we were engaged. During Andrew’s Afghanistan deployment this bear brought me great comfort. I am finding the same for this deployment.
Day 76: The Bee and I gladly welcomed a visit from Uncle Jordan and Grampy today. Buddy Bee always has a blast with them. Poor Uncle Jordan spent the afternoon in the Bee’s tent. After the Buddy Bee’s afternoon nap we heading to Nana and Papa’s. We enjoyed dinner, birthday cake, and time with Buddy Bee’s twin cousins. Our beautiful shells made it home safe!
Day 75: Our journey home started early this morning around 6:00 am. It was not as exciting as it was going to see Andrew. From our hotel in New Orleans I returned the rental car, rode the rental car shuttle to the airport, checked our overweight luggage, made it through security, and with 2 hours before our scheduled flight…..apparently my judgment for how long things would take was a bit off. From New Orleans we traveled to Atlanta. It was the worst flight ever with the boy and all over not being allowed to let the Bee sit on my lap. There were tears for all. Our flight from Atlanta to Philadelphia went much better, thankfully. We arrived around 3:00 pm to familiar faces. After collecting our luggage we started on the 3 hour trip home. I am so thankful for my tablet and the capabilities to watch movies to keep the boy occupied. We were finally home around 7:30 pm….over 12 hours of travel with a two year old. After some toy discovery we both slept great!
Day 74: It is Thanksgiving Day and I have been dreading this day very much. Today we say goodbye. We left our little beach island and started our way back to Camp Shelby. Half way there, we partook in what will probably be one of the most memorable thanksgiving dinners, casino buffet style. Buddy Bee slept the rest of the way and Andrew and I did not talk much. We were content to just hold hands. Deployment goodbyes are never easy and right now I can’t talk about it without crying so the details will be left for Andrew, Buddy Bee, and I to cherish. The hardest thing was driving away from that lovely husband of mine, but Buddy Bee and I had a 2.5 hour trip to New Orleans ahead of us. We said goodbye on Thanksgiving Day…
Day 73: It is our last day at the beach house. In the morning we did a little souvenir shopping and in the afternoon we soaked up the beach and sun. I am not sure if it was the pending goodbye ahead of us or a bug but I did not feel the best today. We ended our day with fresh seafood and a perfect sunset.
Day 72: We are starting a tradition of visiting historic/military exhibits on pre-deployment leave. Before Andrew’s Afghanistan deployment we visited the Battleship North Carolina. I guess it’s a fitting tradition. This deployment exhibit was Historic Fort Gaines. I love watching Andrew show his son a part of our history. After lunch at the beach house and the Buddy Bee’s nap we were back to the beach. A beautiful sunset, dinner of leftovers, and snuggles with my family ended another perfect day with Andrew.
Day 71: I have been waiting for this day of our vacation. I have been planning for this day for awhile now. If you follow my Pinterest pins you know exactly what today would hold for the Park family. Today, was FAMILY PICTURES!!! Nothing fancy just “The Mama” on a Gulf of Mexico beach with her camera, tripod (yes, I fit the tripod in my luggage), camera remote, and my two handsome men. Buddy Bee was fantastic and we got some great shots right away. Andrew and I would later sneak out while the Bee was napping, for some pictures of just us….we even got some giggles from two girls walking down the beach.
Day 70: Dauphin Island is not a touristy destination. It’s mostly private beaches and homes and a quaint little town. Most of the week our beach was vacant, which made us so happy, but today was a busy day on the beach. Buddy Bee played on the beach most of the day and in the evening he even got to watch a few fisherman. He loved looking into their fish buckets. We are not typical beach people but we could defiantly get used to the off-season, private house, private beach atmosphere. Another beautiful sunset ended our day.
Day 69: It was our first full day at the beach! The Park family intends to fully enjoy being here, being together, and watching our boy discover this new world.
Day 68: What am amazing feeling it was to wake up as a complete family. Buddy Bee was so excited to have Daddy get him out of his crib. We enjoyed breakfast at the hotel and soon started on our trip to Dauphin Island, AL. Our first stop was for groceries. One of the attractions of renting a beach house is the capability to make all your own food. Plus, after eating Army food for the past two months Andrew wanted home cooking and fresh seafood (okay, maybe I wanted that). We were soon on the road to our beach island and I was like a little kid. I was so excited! The island was perfect, our beach house was perfect, the Gulf of Mexico being 20 feet from our house was perfect, being a family again was perfect…..everything was perfect!
Day 67: Today is FINALLY here! Buddy Bee and I headed out on our long journey at 5:30 am. The first part of our journey was the 3 hour trip to the Philadelphia airport…the boy did NOT sleep. At the airport Buddy Bee spent an hour riding the walking escalator with Grampy. Buddy Bee was so excited for his first plane ride but it’s hard to explain all the waiting involved to a 2 year old. Philadelphia to Atlanta and from Atlanta to New Orleans…..soon we will be complete. Once we arrived in New Orleans we took the shuttle to pick up our rental car. Our journey was not over yet; we still had a 2 hour car ride ahead of us. We arrived in Gulfport around dinner. It would be another 2 hours until we were reunited. Buddy Bee was starting to not believe that we were actually going to see Daddy. But when he saw Andrew step out of the military van his face was priceless. We have missed this man so much. We are finally together again.
Day 66: The saying for the day was, “Buddy Bee, PLEASE let Mommy pack and PLEASE stop taking things out of the luggage”…..Popcorn for breakfast….We leave in the Morning!!!
Day 65: While Buddy Bee had an enjoyable day at school I began the huge task of laundry and packing for our family of 3. I can’t wait! Someone was not happy that blankie was getting a bath.
Day 64: Buddy Bee and I had a relaxing day at home. Oma came for a visit. Buddy Bee loves having visitors came play in his tent and Oma was not exempt. He had the best time. We are one day closer to seeing Andrew! I am in planning mode.
Day 63: After church Buddy Bee and I had the privilege of having friends over for lunch. Even though I threw a roast into the crock-pot they actually came to lend me a hand. I am very thankful for friends who are willing to give up their Sunday afternoon to bring up bins of winter clothes and to fix my computer. I am learning who I can lean on when Andrew is gone and I am so thankful. The Bee loves his bedtime stories with Daddy....he sat there for an hour, a whole HOUR!
Day 62: I am humbled and brought to tears. A huge burden was lifted off my shoulders when 3 lovely ladies came to my door ready to clean my house. This is not the first time I have been shown this kindness in the last few weeks, but I am blown away every time. The thing that surprises me the most is who has been willing to help. Andrew and I are truly blessed with the friends in our lives. I am truly thankful.
Day 61: Have you ever wondered if your donation to stores ever reaches the recipients? It does. Today, Buddy Bee and I were volunteers for Operation Homefront. For the next month Dollar Tree stores will be collecting donations for the purchase of toys for military children. Today was our first pick-up. I am always amazed at the generosity towards military families. Our pick-up consisted of over $300 worth of toys for our unit. I am thankful that our children will have a special present at Christmas while their Daddy’s are deployed.
Day 60: I was hoping for better news today. Today, was my 6 week check for my stress fracture. I was hoping for an all clear/healed report but I did not get that. The first concern was my ankle. The amount of bruising, swelling, and loss of mobility remaining after a few weeks was a concern for the doctors. It is not healing as it should. The most devastating news however was the fact that my stress fracture has not healed. It possibly has gotten worse. My fall on my ankle has caused the fracture to weaken. Because of this a more aggressive measure needed to be taken. I am now sporting a boot for the next 6 weeks. I am supposed to stay off my leg, wear the boot at all times during the day, and should be using crutches. Not the news I wanted to hear but for the next 6 weeks it is reality. One week until I am in the arms of my man on a beach on the Gulf of Mexico.
Day 59: I found another great deal on craigslist. This morning the Bee and I picked up his Christmas present. I have really struggled with what to get the Bee for Christmas but when I found this deal I knew it would be perfect. The Bee will soon be the proud owner of a huge Geo Trax train set. I knew it was a large set but I was shocked when I saw the two giant bins full of tracks, buildings, controllers, and trains. My boy is going to love it! I can’t wait to have it all set up Christmas morning in the Bee’s new play area.
Day 58: It is the week for dentist appointments. Today was “The Mama’s” turn. I truly hope the Bee inherits my teeth. 28 years and zero cavities. Buddy Bee had a great day at school. Today, I actually felt like I was doing the right things by dropping him off at school. He was happy to be there and happy to say goodbye to me. My Buddy Bee is blessed to have a place where he can grow, develop, and make new friends while Mommy is given a break.
Day 57: I am so proud of my boy. He had a fantastic dentist appointment today. He was such a big boy. I was amazed that my Buddy Bee proudly showed the dentist his teeth. He sat so still for his cleaning and talked about his teeth, the light overhead, and trucks the whole time. When did this boy start growing up? He amazed me daily. Nana and Papa watched the Bee this evening so I could attend the Putman Book Sale. I arrived early with my rolling suitcase, stood in line with a hundred or so other people, and within an hour and half I had 53 new books for the Bee. I spent $83.00 and received $650.00 worth of books. Next year I need a bigger suitcase!
Day 56: I was holding a meeting at the armory today. When we arrived the Bee immediately started asking for Andrew. Buddy Bee ran to Andrew’s office and starting banging on the door for his Daddy. It broke my heart to tell him that his Daddy was not there. Buddy Bee, if you only knew how much your Daddy misses you.
Day 55: An ear infection for “The Mama”, Buddy Bee’s newest name for me. I could not make this stuff up. I told Andrew he needed to come home because the Buddy Bee and I might not survive the next year. Over the last month the Bee and I have been to the doctors 9 times.
Day 54: Tonight Buddy Bee locked himself in the bathroom. I knew our lock was not an easy unlock so I began removing the door knob. I was not prepared that once I removed the knob that it would still be locked. Buddy Bee was now screaming for help to get out, my Dad was trying to give me directions over the phone, and my mind was racing to what my next step would be. I even concerned taking the door off the hinges…it was not an option because the hinges are in the inside of the door. Finally, with a screwdriver I was able to force the thing to unlock. I was bawling by the time my Bee walked out of the bathroom. I am changing all the door knobs tomorrow.
Day 53: We hung out in our pjs today. We are both trying to recover from this cold Buddy Bee shared. Buddy Bee is starting to play independently and I love watching his creativity. I am getting around better. My ankle is still really sore and very black and blue.
Day 52: Happy Halloween. There was no dressing up for the Bee. He will wear his costume when he starts feeling better. Buddy Bee’s sinus infection has gotten so bad it is now draining out of his eyes. I called the doctor and they put him on another round of antibiotics. This will be the 3rd round of antibiotics in the last month.
Day 51: Hurricane Sandy has passed over us. We lost our power last night but it would be restored 12 hours later. The Bee is getting sicker and sicker. We lost quite a few trees in our wooded acreage and our giant pine tree sprayed branches all over the lawn. The banging on the roof last night was parts off an old antenna. I am so thankful for a warm house, capabilities to cook without power, and for very minimal damage.
Day 50: I have become a strong woman and I am thankful for a husband who takes time to make sure I become stronger. Today Hurricane Sandy made her way over Northeast PA and I was waiting, alone and without my husband. I was ready. Containers of drinking water were filled, buckets of water for the toilets were filled in the bathtubs, generator was waiting outside, candles out and ready….I was prepared for the worst. I can be a strong woman but hearing things banging around on the roof in the middle of the night make me want my husband. Buddy Bee’s trip to the doctors involved an additional trip to the hospital for x-rays to rule out pneumonia.
Day 49: Buddy Bee loves going to church. I love that church has become an experience and environment that he adores. Buddy Bee has a best friend at church. He loves going to see his friend, Bobby. The friendship that those two share is priceless and utterly adorable. Our Bee has a family at church, one that supports us and cherishes him.
Day 48: We had the worst experience with the walk-in clinic today. Buddy Bee’s sinus infection had gotten worse and he needed to be seen by a doctor before the weekend ended. I had a miserable Bee, my ankle was killing me, and we preceded to meet the most miserable, arrogant doctor. My little boy was not fully examined, I was judged and degraded because I have my boy in preschool, his primary doctor and myself were accused of over medicating the Buddy Bee (the Bee only takes a daily vitamin and is only ever prescribed antibiotics for serious illnesses), and I was told that my boy would just have to be sick, even if he was sick all winter. I will never step foot in that clinic again and the Buddy Bee will be seeing his doctor on Monday morning.
Day 47: The little Bee and I had a laid back day. I needed to keep off my ankle and the Bee graciously kept himself busy. He looks so sad when I tell him to be careful of Mommy’s boo-boo. He can be the sweetest boy but also a tornado of destruction.
Day 46: Buddy Bee returned from his impromptu sleepover with Nana and Papa just in time for school. Before Mommy spent the day on the couch with my leg elevated, I had a little surprise for the Buddy Bee. I found this great playhouse on Craigslist for $35 (this playhouse new would cost close to $500). With a little assistance from Grampy, Buddy Bee’s playhouse was picked up and assembled on our front porch. Yes, it is a little girly for our Bee, but I have big plans come summer for it’s boyish transformation. Buddy Bee is in love!
Day 45: They tell you that during a deployment everything that can go wrong always will…I am working on proving how true this can be. Buddy Bee’s surgery, multiple sicknesses, a stress fracture, and now a sprained ankle. Tonight I fell, took a trip to the er, and several hours later hobbled out with crutches and a cast.
Day 44: Deployments are not easy. There are highs and lows and right now I am feeling the low. Buddy Bee is feeling it as well and showing signs of it. He doesn't want to leave my side and cries when I drop him off at school. I am afraid Buddy Bee is having fears that since Daddy left Mommy might leave as well.
Day 43: Buddy Bee and I had a blah, rainy day today. Buddy Bee and I enjoy our days at home. He loves getting every toy out of the toy box and I enjoy watching him. We are working on making the clean-up just as fun.
Day 42: Church and an afternoon with Nana and Papa make for an amazing day. Buddy Bee is growing up so fast. Buddy Bee is loving Toy Story. We were not able to say goodnight to Andrew, but Buddy Bee left the sweetest voice mail. He told his Daddy he loved him.
Day 41: We had a FANTASTIC day at Roba Family Farms. I was so thankful for all the support shown to me with the Bee. Buddy Bee became a mud ball in the corn maze. Even though we had a great day, my heart breaks looking through the pictures of today. Andrew should be in them. We miss him.
Day 40: The rain stopped and the fog lifted so I let my wild man loose outside. We planted tulips, played in the dirt, rode bikes, and jumped in puddles. Buddy Bee loves rainy days.
Day 39: Buddy Bee and I collided heads tonight. As I sat there stunned, Buddy Bee got this worried look on his face. The little pout appeared as he walked toward me. He came within inches of me and suddenly leaned in to give me a hug. My sweet, little boy does love me and he wanted to take care of me. He brought tears to my eyes.
Day 38: I saw this cute little tractor outside a thrift store the other day and today I went back to see if they still had it. $8.00 later Buddy Bee had his very own tractor and wagon. Buddy Bee’s day was spent hauling toys around the house with his new tractor.
Day 37: A clean house, fabulous dinner, and some Mommy time was all accomplished while Buddy Bee was in school today. An evening spent with Buddy Bee’s Meemaw and a goodnight from Daddy make for a happy, sleepy little boy.
Day 36: Another trip to the doctors for the Bee. Our trip resulted in needing a new prescription for a sinus infection. We went to the pharmacy, did some shopping at target, Buddy Bee napped in the car on the way home, and the rest of the day was spent driving trucks. I got a new crock pot so that makes for one happy lady. Buddy Bee is having a hard time keeping his new pants up.
Day 35: After surgery, sickness, and travels we were finally able to attend church today. It was so nice to be back. Church, afternoon nap, choir practice, and some snuggles with my boy make for a very enjoyable day.
Day 34: Today is a 2 photo day. Buddy Bee and I spent the day at Russell Farms with his 2 cousins and Nana and Papa. Buddy Bee was not really interested in pumpkins or apple picking but he did find a few trucks that peeked his interest. Buddy Bee even got his face painted for the first time. I took advantage of the beautiful fall day and took some pictures with my Bee.
Day 33: Buddy Bee and I are emotionally and physically drained. We cherished an afternoon at home and both took a much needed afternoon nap.
Day 32: My day was spent at the vet’s office fighting to save little lives. Buddy Bee did not want me to leave him at school, but I am so thankful that he had some distractions today. Loosing puppies will never get easy. We did get to enjoy some fall sunshine before dinner.
Day 31: A 12 hour shift at the kennel with a 2 year old and newborn puppies….I survived!
Day 30: In the middle of the night Andrew and 300 other soldiers flew out of our local airport in Scranton. They will spend the next 2 months training for the deployment in the south. While I was on puppy duty Buddy Bee had a great day a school. He must have missed me because when he spotted me at the end of the day he burst out in tears. Pickles are Buddy Bee’s new favorite food.
Day 29: Buddy Bee and I said goodbye to Andrew today. The last few days have been wonderful but also a struggle for us. Deployments are stressful! We drove Andrew to the armory to say our goodbyes for the next 2 months. I feel peaceful about this goodbye but this deployment has way to many goodbyes.
Day 28: No words can describe how exhausting it is to have a sick little boy and a litter of newborn puppies.
Day 27: Puppies and a 103 temperature for the Buddy Bee…..
Day 26: It is always an adventure when puppies arrive. I stayed with our little mama to help deliver puppies while Andrew and the Buddy Bee spent the day at the armory and hanging out.
Day 25: I had big fall plans for today but plans do not always play out like we want. My fall adventures with Daddy and the Bee were halted due to rain. We made the best of it and took the boy to the Discovery Center. What fun we had! We even had a few moments without rain to explore the Secret Garden. It was so nice to spend a day as a complete family.
Day 23: Andrew got Buddy Bee up in the morning, let Mommy sleep in, and took the Bee to school. When Andrew left for the armory it was my turn to go to the doctor’s. After Buddy Bee returned from school he enjoyed a wonderful evening with his Daddy.
Day 22: I was surprised when Buddy Bee was diagnosed with a horrible double ear infection today. My poor little man. The best surprise of the day was when Daddy came HOME!
Day 21: It was a beautiful fall drive home to get my Bee. Buddy Bee had a great time at his sleepover. It was the sweetest thing to hear his little voice again and have him climb up in my lap…I missed him. His cold has gotten worse so we will be heading to the doctors in the morning. The highlight of his day was his birthday gift from Aunt Amanda. The smile on his face says it all.
Day 20: Nothing can be better than an impromptu girls weekend with my college friends! Saturday morning Buddy Bee was dropped off at Nana and Papa’s for his first sleepover and I headed to Lock Haven. 6 years later these girls are still my best friends and it was so great to spend just a few hours with them.
Day 19: Rainy days in NEPA require special footwear. Today was a dream day for the Buddy Bee. Newfie fun in the morning, a visit with Oma, Curious George during lunch, a 2 hour nap, pizza for dinner, a drive in the car, and a pile of books to be read at bedtime makes for a happy Bee and a perfect day with my boy.
Day 18: I am so thankful for a husband who knew what I would need during this deployment. Today was Buddy Bee’s 2nd day of school and while my little boy was having a great day I went to a doctors appointment and did a little shopping. Oh, and my naptime 3 mile run has been halted for 6 weeks while a stress fracture on my left leg heals. Andrew, you were so right….thank you for pushing me to do things I wouldn’t do myself.
Day 17: Our morning was spent with Nana and Papa and our evening was spent eating turkey chili and noodles in the kitchen. Andrew, I froze a dish of chili for you. It will be waiting for you when we see you again. Buddy Bee has been so content since his surgery. It makes me wonder if he had been in pain.
Day 16: My little boy started school today. There were only tears when I made him get out of bed…the boy loves his sleep. He gave Mommy a kiss goodbye and he was off. He had a wonderful day! He must have talked for 5 minutes straight telling Daddy all about it.
Day 15: His backpack is packed, his special Curious George blanket and pillow are ready for snuggles during naptime, and the Buddy Bee is all ready to go to SCHOOL!
Day 14: What a great time we had at the Bloomsburg Fair today. Buddy Bee was obsessed with the cows. He was so cute stopping at each cow to say, “Look! Cow! Moo!”. I think the best part of his day was spending time with Uncle Jordan and Grampy.
Day 13: Today the Buddy Bee’s pain has been the highest. Diapers are uncomfortable for him (due to where his incision is on his waist) so he has been wearing his new potty training pants. He shows me his incision and tells me, “It hurts”. One minute he his running around the house and the next he is in my arms crying.
Day 12: The beginning of Buddy Bee’s Recovery from surgery began today. Since his surgery he has been very aware of when he needs to go to the bathroom. He even told me he needed to go twice yesterday. YAY for an unexpected surgery blessing. This child may come out of this potty trained! The pain meds seem to make him hyper. If you know our boy you know he needs no help in being wild. Mommy’s mission: KEEP THE BEE STILL SO HE CAN HEAL!
Day 11: It was surgery day for the Bee. Today our boy was having a hydrocele and hernia repair done. Our day was filled with all unknowns for the boy so we had a little surprise for him. And the look on his little face was priceless when Daddy walked into the room.
Day 10: Wednesday morning Buddy Bee and I loaded up the car and headed to our next little adventure. This adventure lead us to Philadelphia for the Bee’s 2nd surgery. Buddy Bee was a trooper for the 3 hour car ride and Mommy surprised him with a swim in the hotel pool. We ended the day watching Curious George.
Day 9: Today was a better day with my boy. We were able to go to Nana and Papa’s house (Andrew’s parents) for some major Buddy Bee toy destruction and some canning of pears and tomatoes. It was a wonderful evening with a even better finish. Buddy Bee came home and watched and re-watched goodnight stories from Daddy.
Day 8: Today I feel like I failed as a Mother. I know I did the right thing taking my screaming child out of his music class however the judgmental eyes of the other moms killed my spirit. I know I have not failed but it sure did feel like it as I cried all the way home. We have made it a week.
Only 360 some days and a few more goodbyes to go.
Day 7: It was a busy Sunday for the Bee and I. “Praise and Picnic in the Pines” at church and an afternoon Family Readiness Group meeting exhausted us. We grabbed dinner on the way home and spent the rest of the evening snuggled up together under a pile of blankets watching Curious George.
Day 6: Buddy Bee was a great little worker today hauling coal with Grampy and I. I am afraid he is getting sick though. Bubbles and some crazy hair can make for the perfect end to our day.
Day 5: Buddy Bee’s Oma came to race cars, I am feeling better, and we talked to Andrew! It was a good day with my boy!
Day 4: A sick Mommy equals a Buddy Bee in his pajamas all day and watching way to much tv snuggling on the couch. The highlight of his day is his “kiss” from daddy….he might have gotten a few extra tonight!
Day 3: Buddy Bee is registered for “school” and Mommy has a cold but we survived the day. Buddy Bee is loving his “kisses” from Daddy each night and NEEDED to take 4 trucks to bed with him.
Day 2: A pop, his request, for breakfast followed by car races with a little surprise in the afternoon. An unexpected appointment brought Andrew closer to home so we took advantage of an hour and enjoyed one more dinner together.
Day 1: Andrew leaves for deployment training in the state. Buddy Bee attends music class, goes shopping with Mommy, and after dinner takes a walk down to the pond to watch the duck.
Day 1: Andrew leaves for deployment training in the state. Buddy Bee attends music class, goes shopping with Mommy, and after dinner takes a walk down to the pond to watch the duck.
Don't let the other mothers in your class make you feel like anything less than what you are. You are an amazingly strong woman who is dealing with things that would have them hiding under their covers.
ReplyDeleteYou're getting ready to raise your little man on your own for a year. You're stepping into roles that you haven't had to fill with Andrew at home. Chef, plumber, handyman, teacher, disciplinarian, you're about to be everything to your little Bee for the next year, on top of being a woman who is missing her husband terribly, and worrying about him being a world away.
I don't know how you do it, I really don't. It's inspiring and heartbreaking all at the same time to follow you through this.
Thank you, Melissa! Your words mean so much to me.