
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Can You Say, TROUBLE?

Buddy Bee is cute, full of smiles, and lots of trouble!
But as a 1 year old that is his job!

Someone forgot to close the bathroom door...

Buddy Bee having tons of fun shreading toilet paper and eating it.

Buddy Bee had an accomplice during this operation.  Abby the Cat helped!
It is because of Abby that we can't leave toilet paper on the holder anyways.

Watching Mommy clean up the mess.
Buddy Bee found some new places to hide this week.

Buddy Bee in the empty kitchen cabinet.

Coming out the other side with the stainer he found in the back.

Buddy Bee yelling at Mommy to watch.

Buddy Bee thinking he is stuck in the cabinet.

Being silly.

Happy to explore his new hiding place.

Full of smiles.

He may be trouble but he is sure adorable doing it!

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