
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Buddy Bee's First Trip To The Dentist

On August 24th Buddy Bee experienced his first trip to the dentist!

 I am so proud of my little Bee and his 7 little teeth!
The dental office made Buddy Bee's first trip such a positive experience for the little Bee. 
And there really is nothing better to the Buddy Bee than getting a new tooth brush and a balloon!

Buddy Bee in the waiting room.

Watching some TV.

Having fun in the playhouse while we wait.

Buddy Bee hears his name being called.

Playing in the dentist chair.

Jumping up and down!

Buddy Bee getting sleeping waiting for the dentist.

Buddy Bee got to hold the giant tooth brush!

Brushing his teeth!

Using the giant tooth brush to brush his hair and face.

Of course the dentist had concerns with Buddy Bee's thumb sucking and also his nighttime feeding but overall our little Buddy Bee's little teeth are looking GREAT!

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