
Monday, September 23, 2013

Week of the Tractor

One of the most exciting times on the hill is when the tractors arrive to cut our hay fields. 
This is the one time of the year that Buddy Bee becomes still. 
Buddy Bee loves the tractors!

We could hear the tractors coming!

It was a beautiful day on the hill.

Buddy Bee couldn't be more excited about the first tractor sighting.

There was even some jumping for joy!

This boy is loving having his Daddy back.

Tickles from Daddy!

As the tractors got closer Buddy Bee decided they were getting a bit too loud for him.

The farmer finished for the day but he returned a few days later and Buddy Bee was ready and waiting.

He was so brave in wanting to stand at the edge of our yard.  

His next request was to touch the hay. 

I could sit and look over our view all day.

After the farmer was finished for the day our little family headed down the hill so Buddy Bee could get a closer look at the big, red tractor! 

Buddy Bee was one happy little boy!

We even ran into Grampy.

Buddy Bee was trilled with another big tractor to check out!

Buddy Bee's sunflowers were even in full bloom!

The haying was not yet finished so on another gorgeous day we headed back out to watch the tractors. 

It was another beautiful day on the hill!

The hay was cut and baled and the farmers left with their tractors.  For the Buddy Bee it was an amazing way to spend 3 days.  Till next summer! 

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