
Monday, September 16, 2013

Harford Fair With Daddy!

Our soldier was home and it was time to return to the Harford Fair. 
This trip was all about being with Daddy, the animals, and some milk shakes!
The first stop was to see the bunnies! 
Buddy Bee was not interested in the poultry barn but we took a chance....he loved it! 
The Buddy Bee highlight!

I soaked this sight up.

We might just need a bench like this at the cabin.
Our neighborhood Alpaca farm was even there. 
Loving the cows.
And the ultimate Buddy Bee favorite, Mr. Goat.
Trying out the tractors. 
Before we headed home we had to get a special treat. 
Loving Daddy's mint milk shake.

Love these boys together.

We loved this day. 


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