
Monday, September 2, 2013

Bob and George


Buddy Bee would like to introduce the newest additions to the Park family!
Buddy Bee is the proud owner of two very cute kitties. 
He has fondly named them BOB and GEORGE.


Buddy Bee has taken the passing of our beloved Oliver very hard.  He misses his little friend.  Andrew and I both knew that once the deployment was over we would be getting another cat for our boy.  When these two purebred kitties were looking for a forever home we expressed our interest.  We were extremely blown away, when after hearing about Andrew's deployment the breeder generously gave us the boys without charge. 

The boys could pass for Siamese cats however, they are actually Sphinx cats.

I get sucked in by the blue eyes. 

Bob is on the left and George is on the right.

Buddy Bee is in love with his new kitties. 

We have never had cats that are so affectionate, loveable, and desire our attention. 



He is extremely giddy about his new kitties.


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