
Friday, August 9, 2013

A load of Mulch

I had many things to accomplish before Andrew returned home, but one I found very important was re-mulching.  This summer myself and a few other hired individuals and volunteers spent a lot of time working on the outside of the cabin.  New flower beds were created, the whole cabin was re-stained (a huge job I might add), a new roof was installed, both of the decks were redone, and countless other improvements were all completed this summer.   Laying fresh mulch was to highlight all that work we completed. 

The trailer full of mulch was a little daunting for just one person....I called in the reinforcements! 

With 2 people it took us over 4 hours to complete and we even ran out of mulch.

Buddy Bee came home from school, we got dinner, and we returned outside to enjoy the summer evening on the hill.

It was so worth the 4 hours of squatting and not being able to move the next day, to have the cabin and the yard looking so great!  Buddy Bee did not notice the changes.  He was more interested in driving around the plant I removed from the flower beds....he drove that thing around for weeks after!

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