
Sunday, March 31, 2013

On The Hunt For Eggs

It was time to let the Buddy Bee run wild with his cousins. 
The Park homestead was holding it's first Easter egg hunt! 

Our Buddy Bee was off with is cute little frog bucket. 

Not far behind him was cousin Ava. 

Buddy Bee had a very interesting egg gathering technique.  He would find an egg, dump the contents that he liked in his bucket, dumped the other stuff out on the lawn, and tossed the open egg back where he found it. 

Adorable little Ava with her rain boots and wild hair.  

These two were having a great time. 

I don't even remember how many eggs I filled, but it was WAY too many for these toddlers. 

This is apparently what Buddy Bee thought was worth saving...goldfish, yogurt melts, and chocolate raisins. 
He threw out the stickers, balloons, and temporary tattoos. 

Buddy Bee was going to share his special treat, but at the last minute he decided he didn't want to, popped it in his mouth, and handed the wrapper to Great Aunt Bonnie. 

We lost a few large branches from our pine tree this winter. 

Buddy Bee accidentally dropped his bucket and lost all of this treats. 

It was so cute seeing how this would play out between these two toddlers...

Checking out what was lost and if it was worth it to get it back. 

Checking to see if anyone was watching and if they were going to be stopped. 

And Buddy Bee just dives right in.

We had to let them go for a little bit.  There were just so cute. 

Handsome man, Greyson.

The grown-ups had to pick up the dozens of eggs missed by the toddlers and we heading inside to warm up. 

I think we will be having egg hunts on the hill for many, many years to come. 

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