
Monday, March 11, 2013

It Snows in the Spring

Morning brought snow showers and the afternoon brought sunshine and warm weather! 
Buddy Bee was a happy boy either way. 

Shoveling snow in rain boots and pajama's. 

Later that day we headed out for Buddy Bee exploring! 

Buddy Bee loves watching the airplanes fly by. 

I asked Buddy Bee if he wanted to go for a short walk.  He was really excited and honestly I was glad for the sunshine and wonderful weather.  I did not have a destination in mind however, Buddy Bee did.  “GO SEE P!”  He was off and I was not stopping him.  We were off to see Grampy. 

Buddy Bee was so happy to be outside. 

Checking out the squirrel in the grass.

Even this little guy was a refreshing reminder of warmer weather. 

We visited "P" and returned back up the hill for a quick swing in Buddy Bee's swing before bedtime. 

Our handsome, little boy.

Buddy Bee had his first kiss with a girl.  He has two good friends at school; another little boy and a little girl.  As he was saying goodbyes he gave his boy friend a great big hug and then a great big kiss to his little girl friend.  It’s those blue eyes…

Seeing Buddy Bee's happy, happy face today warms his Mommy's heart.  

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