
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A 32 Month Buddy Bee

Buddy Bee turns 32 Months. 
March 13, 2013

Official 32 month photo. 

His happy squeals warm my heart. 

Keeping it real by picking his nose. 

Buddy Bee, What a difference one surgery can make.  You have returned to our happy, silly boy and we couldn't be happier.  The smile has returned to your face.  You have such a handsome smile, Buddy Bee.  You have found your voice, little man, and you sure enjoy using it.  You are quite the talker.  When we are in the store you say "Hi" to everyone we pass.  You are so funny if someone does not return your greeting, you only get louder and more persistent.  You are truly your father's son.  Mommy and Daddy are so glad you are feeling better.  We love to see your happy little face.  We love you.  

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