
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Trucks in the Snow

Into the snow we go! 

It took more time to dress this child for his adventure in the snow then the actual adventure.  

For this adventure Buddy Bee required a fleet of three trucks.

Buddy Bee was cold and couldn't move very well in all the layers but, he was having the best time.  

It was a beautiful, sunshine filled, snowy day on the hill. 

Buddy Bee found the plow piles to be a fun slide!

And there he goes!

Face first into the snow, snow on his chin, stuck in the snow pile, but it was fun!

Mommy had to go down and pull him out so he could do it all over again! 

With rosy cheeks and cold fingers and toes a happy Buddy Bee returned back inside to our warm cabin. 

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