
Monday, November 19, 2012

Gulf of Mexico-Day 4

  I have been waiting for this day of our vacation.  I have been planning for this day for awhile now.  Today, was FAMILY PICTURES!!! Nothing fancy just “The Mama” on a Gulf of Mexico beach with her camera, tripod (yes, I fit the tripod in my luggage), camera remote, and my two handsome men.  Buddy Bee was fantastic and we got some great shots right away.  

If picture day couldn't get any more exciting; we had our very own dolphin visitor!  

Buddy Bee was not impressed with the dolphin. To the Buddy Bee his trucking business takes priority over everything. 

I love this husband of mine so much and I could walk this beach with him forever.

Butterfly kisses from my littlest love. 

Andrew and I snuck out while the Bee was napping  for some pictures of just us….we even got some giggles from two girls walking down the beach.  

Our cuddles on the beach were soon over, Buddy Bee was well rested from his nap, and our little family was back on the beach. 

This handsome man is all mine!

Our family of hands.
(Daddy, Mommy, and Buddy Bee)

We reluctantly returned inside to eat dinner and to watch another amazing sunset from the porch. 

Thank you, Daddy for capturing these perfect moments with my baby boy. 

This night was my favorite sunset.  

Our crane friend returned for sunset. 

Within seconds we went from a purple, pink, soft, sunset to a deep, red, vibrant sunset.

Another perfect day came to an end, but I would not trade these moments with my loves for anything. 

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