
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gulf of Mexico: Day 2

It was our first full day at the beach!  The Park family intended to fully enjoy being here, being together, and watching our boy discover this new world.  

My boys enjoying their early morning together while watching Curious George. 

After breakfast we wasted no time in getting down to the beach. 

Our brave little explorer taking this new world all in. 

Buddy Bee was not sure about it all until Daddy brought over the cool toys!

My two favorite people together. 

Little Buddy Bee toes in the Gulf. 

Buddy Bee had a lot of sand to move!

I have even missed these feet. 

It was Mommy's turn to wade in the water with the Bee. 

No boot cast in the sand!

Little Buddy Bee foot prints in the sand. 

Buddy Bee could not resist tasting the drift wood. 

Our family of feet in the sand. 

Reluctantly, our Buddy Bee came in for dinner. 

And after our fabulous seafood dinner we were right back to the beach for the sunset.  

We are soaking this all in.  

Buddy Bee LOVED looking into the fisherman's bucket of fish. 

My heart melts when these two are together. 

My boys!

Buddy Bee ended his first day on the beach with Curious George. 

We had an amazing day on the beach! 

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