
Monday, August 6, 2012

A Walk To The Pond

Our family needed a night without worry or stress.  We needed a night to not think about this deployment.  We needed a night where we were not preparing for the year without Andrew, a night where we were not making plans or prepping the house.  We needed a night together just being a family of 3.
So, we left all that behind and took a walk down to the pond. 

It's almost impossible to worry here.

Buddy Bee always goes right to the paddle boat. 
 He likes to play with the paddles when it is upside down.

I wish we would have brought Buddy Bee's lifejacket because we would have taken the paddle boat out on the water.

Always running.

He never tires of moving the paddles round and round.

I could have sat in the swing and watched them together all night.

We pried the Bee from the paddle boat and took a walk down the dam.

I love how Andrew directs the Bee with his hand on the back of his head.

My boys watching birds.

Buddy Bee loves watching birds.

I love these boys together. 

My handsome, little love and I.

I would have loved to know what he was thinking. 

Picking flowers with Mommy.

And with a very sweet gesture Buddy Bee gave Mommy a flower.

His little mind thinks all white flowers are dandelions.

Smelling the flowers with my little Bee. 

Buddy Bee currently has a fascination with smelling EVERYTHING!

I love walking hand in hand with this little boy.

For a few minutes the only thing that mattered was running through a field of flowers. 

We needed this view and this time together.

Walking back to our home we enjoyed some of these beautiful flowers. 

And of course Buddy Bee could not walk past his swing without wanting to go "HIGH".

We took this night for these handsome eyes and I am so glad we did. 

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