
Monday, August 13, 2012

A 25 Month Old Bee

Buddy Bee becomes a 25 month old Bee.
August 13, 2012

Official 25 Month Photo.

I love it when my handsome boy is full of smiles.

This mother's heart melts everytime I look at this picture.

This little boy is going to be an entertainer.  I love that he is so outgoing and such a goof.

Buddy Bee's main objective for the evening was to climb this slide.

He did it!  He made it to the top!

Watching Daddy mow the lawn.

And for a split second he was still and quiet. 

 Buddy Bee looks more and more like a little boy everyday but then there is this face that reminds me so much of my little baby.

A simple moment capturing just who our little boy is.

This child is drawn to water.  He can't resist it.

He can melt my heart with just this little grin.

Buddy Bee is fascinated with ANYTHING in the sky.

The perfect summer shoes.

Buddy Bee was in such a good mood.


The boys checking out the mover.

Buddy Bee telling Daddy how to fix the mower.

Buddy Bee grew tired of fixing the mower with Daddy and decided that it would be faster just to eat the grass.

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